Following the “displeasure” shown by Prime Minister Narendra Modi over inconvenience caused to people during the movement of the PM’s motorcade in Delhi, the Special Protection Group has asked the Delhi police to be more sensitive towards the general public. The SPG, which is responsible for the security of the PM, has asked the police not to halt traffic movements by even a second longer than what is necessary.
In December last year, the SPG had a detailed discussion with Muktesh Chander, Special Commissioner of Police (Traffic). The SPG handed him a copy of report card prepared by them with directions on how to reduce inconvenience caused to the general public during the PM’s movements.
According to official sources, the Delhi police will now be required to release the general traffic without waiting for further clearance from the SPG, once the “tail car” of the PM’s motorcade has moved 50 metres ahead of the point where the traffic was stopped.
The speed of the PM’s motorcade has also been fixed. The speed has been reduced in order to allow traffic police personnel sufficient time to regulate the traffic before the motorcade reaches a certain point and to ensure that no undue restraints are put on pedestrian movement.
Similarly, traffic at Ashoka Road and other VIP locations where the presence of the PM is more common, will not be restrained once the PM has entered the function location and the motorcade has been parked. The SPG has also asked the Delhi police to make sure that traffic movement on the road opposite to where the PM’s motorcade is plying or waiting, is not stopped.
The SPG has also told the Delhi police to make sure that the staff of the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court are informed in advance, whenever required, of the PM’s movement, so that no inconvenience is caused to the judges.
According to officials in the security establishment, this action by PM Modi will have a cascading effect on the members of his Cabinet, who will now be expected to follow the PM’s example.
“Regulating traffic movement during the PM’s movement and the movement of Union ministers is a big task, with some of the previous PMs and their staff insisting on a total ban of movement by the general public when they travelled. However, with the present Prime Minister himself expressing displeasure over such actions, the general public will be much better placed now,” a senior Delhi police official stated.