The custodial rape victim of Khour village in the border area of Akhnoor has threatened to commit suicide, alleging police officials were humiliating her repeatedly in the name of investigation. The victim created ripples in the media recently when she accused the SHO ofthe local police station, of raping her and illegally detaining her with the help of a lady SPO six months ago. The victim and her family have approached the central leadership of Bharatiya Janata Party, including its president Amit Shah, for getting justice.
The victim had eloped with her boyfriend six months ago. They later surrendered before the locakl police station, claiming that they were adults and have married each other. The victim said that the SHO with the help of a female SPO took her inside a room in the police station and raped her. Police recorded her statement before the Munsiff Akhnoor under Section 164 Cr of IPC and started investigations in the case.
But it was only after the victim along with her family approached the higher-ups in J&K Police on 11 May that the SHO Muhammad Iqbal Chagatta was arrested. Talking to the media in Jammu on Thursday, the victim along with social activists said in a press conference that she was being repeatedly called for questioning and was being asked humiliating and vulgar questions about the incident that took place in the police station. She said that the SHO had earlier threatened her that her husband would be booked for life on different charges if she disclosed the incident. She said this was the reason she maintained silence for more than six months.
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