In the case of love, there are innumerable instances of spirits taking revenge after death — love is an even stronger emotion and driving force and there are many cases of love stories being enacted after death, some tragically, some happily and some a mixture of both. Quite a few of these have been widely reported in the media over the years. In brief, there is the case I wrote about in an earlier column of two lovers who were icchadhari snakes.
In the daytime, they were, in their snake form, sitting on the parapet of a well when somebody came and killed them. They were reborn as humans very close to where they had both been killed. Their story was recounted to stunned villagers who remembered the two snakes being killed. Villagers agreed that the two icchadhari lovers must be reunited, and the wedding cut short in their earlier birth was solemnised in their new birth and everyone was happy.
There was the case reported some years ago in great detail in India Today and other publications of a businessman who was killed by a single shot in the neck for unknown reasons by unknown people in his car just outside his home in Agra. A few months later he was reborn in a village close to Agra and the moment he could speak properly he narrated his story to his new family. They took the child to Agra and the child guided them to his shop where he pointed out all the old things and the new things in his shop and revealed details which left his family from his last birth in no doubt about his identity. His wife then came and immediately the wife and the “child” recognised each other. But they couldn’t remarry because the age difference between the wife from the last birth and her “husband”/child in his new birth was too big.
There was the case of Faiyazan which I’ve written about. Faiyazan was engaged to be married to a person whose first wife had died. The first wife’s spirit warned Faiyazan, but Faiyazan didn’t really understand and went ahead with the marriage. She was found dead soon after getting married — killed by the first wife who had warned her. After she died, Faiyazan’s spirit was determined that it would not let anyone else live as a wife with the “husband” who was still alive. The third wife was killed jointly by the spirit of the first wife and by Faiyazan’s spirit. Though it’s been several years, this case, defying a solution, is still with me and it is a very strange case indeed. It shows very clearly that loving and being possessive don’t always end with the death of a person.
Strong emotions like love or revenge or any other unfulfilled desire do not always die with the death of a person, especially if that death took place unnaturally such spirits or atmas who have died an unnatural death often, especially those with unfulfilled wishes, remain on earth till their desire or aim is fulfilled and are extremely powerful and focused on getting what they want, thus creating a supernatural phenomena. Even special rituals performed for people who have died unnatural deaths are often unable to “liberate” a troubled spirit from its earthly bonds, largely because such spirits are unusually powerful, their will power is extremely strong. In particular, they often have the power to track down people, move from place to place, know what a person is thinking or doing at a particular moment and know what is happening at several places simultaneously. However, such spirits, although very powerful, do not generally harm people who are not connected with the fulfillment of their desires.
Yet there are cases of spirit “stalkers”, where a person was in love with a living being, but it was not requited and the “rejected” individual committed suicide or was killed but continued to ‘stalk’ the living being. If a living person is being “stalked”, harassed or threatened, fairly or unfairly by a spirit it has known or not known, what should be done ? You should get help from somebody who has specialised knowledge of the supernatural. For all round peace, it is important that the spirit which is still tied down with earthly desires should be released from its bonds. Very special rituals and mantras are required for this, and it is always fraught with danger and speaking of my own experience in this context, I myself have escaped narrowly on at least two occasions.
There are many other cases of past life loves which I was able to piece together partly through the spirit’s version and partly through what the Brighu Samhita revealed about the past births of person’s involved who are still living. Some time ago, a case came to me of a much loved 17 year old girl who had died 10 years ago. Her spirit, out of jealousy, refused to let any other girl be born to anyone in her family. It was a very complex uljha hua case as the 17 year old girl’s spirit was very powerful and I had to travel all the way to Jaunsar Bawar in Uttarakhand to consult a very old but learned priest who has dealt with difficult and dangerous cases like this one to find a solution. Obviously, when it comes to being a powerful spirit after death, the age at which a person dies is not important — the spirit may be that of a young child or that of a very old person. It is the motivation and the depth of feeling in a person both before and after death that creates the supernatural phenomena.