NEW DELHI: India Eye International Human Rights Observer will mark International Day of the Girl Child on 11 October at the India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodi Road, here. The organisation will hold three events as follows: an essay writing and painting contest for school kids in age groups 6-12 and 13-18 years—the subject for the painting and essay writing competition is: “Why are girls in India scared even in the 21st century?” A “Selfie with Daughter” contest will also be held. Word limit for essays is 500 words and they should be handwritten. Size of the painting sheet is A3. Students can send their entries by 15 September to India Eye IHRO , 3rd Floor, Central Avenue Maharani Bagh New Delhi 110065. Selfies can be mailed at:, and Winners will get cash prizes at a function on 11 October here between 5 pm to 8 pm on this day.