New Delhi: After The Sunday Guardian’s story on the 15-year-old Amit Raj who died while saving the lives of three children in his village in Bihar’s Nalanda, several people from different walks of life came forward to help his family. Amit’s father Bhushan Kumar, who is a contract labourer in Mumbai, told The Sunday Guardian after the story was published on 27 December, that he has received calls for financial assistance from many people. Amit Raj was a class 10 student of Sainik School in West Bengal’s Purulia. “Till now I have received Rs 2 lakh and we are grateful that so many people are calling me and showing their support. I am immensely proud that my brave son’s courage is getting so much love. I am thankful to everyone,” Kumar told The Sunday Guardian. Bhushan Kumar also said that he still hasn’t received any assistance from the state government. However, his son’s school authorities are still in touch with him. The story was published on 27 December and after that, The Sunday Guardian received an overwhelming response from the people. “My wife and I were in tears reading this story and would love to help the family in a small way if possible,” a reader told The Sunday Guardian requesting anonymity. “Thanks for bringing that to our attention. I and a few of my friends would like to help his family in whatever way we can,” said Ganesh Sankararaman, another reader. “I am very much moved by this braveheart and will definitely contribute in the best possible way that I can. Can I get his father’s contact number in any way? I want to console him personally and say that we all are with him. Thanks to you for bringing such news to the nation which maximum so-called media is neglecting,” another reader Rakesh Mukherjee said.
On 3 December, there was a gas leak in a neighbour’s house. Amit Raj was jogging and he ran towards the house when he heard screams. He tried to stop the fire and save the kids, but he was caught in flames. He entered the house and saved three kids while sustaining 95% burn in the process. He was taken to a nearby hospital where he was referred to a hospital in Patna. After his school got to know about the incident, they took him to Delhi’s Safdarjung hospital on 9 December for treatment. On the night of 12 December, his condition worsened. He passed away at around 12 noon on 13 December.
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