Prime Minister Narendra Modi has demonstrated strategic independence in ensuring that a message from him has been delivered to the incoming President of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi by no less a personage than External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar. The Trump administration made a number of missteps based on an incorrect assessment of US capabilities, and Iran was in that list of policy goof-ups. The nuclear deal signed between Iran and the other signatories of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by the countries negotiating with Iran was not perfect, but represented nevertheless substantial concessions by Iran in its path towards full-fledged nuclear capability. Given the constellation of forces confronting the Islamic Republic of Iran, the JCPOA gave a breathing space of 15 years for the world to engage with Iran and seek to modify its policies, especially the insistence on the annihilation of the State of Israel. When India’s first professor of geopolitics first went to Teheran decades ago, the introductory words of his first lecture were to the effect that Israel and the US were friends of India, and hence it was not possible to agree with the many signboards along the route from the university guest house to the campus that called for an end to both countries. It must be said to the credit of the Iranian people and their culture of civility to guests that not a single individual left the hall in protest at such a declaration, but listened attentively to the talk delivered by the visitor from a university in India. Later, that professor opposed India stopping the purchase of Iranian crude out of concern about US sanctions under Trump, pointing to the significance of Chabahar besides other factors that made good relations an essentiality for both Teheran as well as Delhi. It had earlier been pointed out that India could use its friendship with both the US and Iran to try and ensure that the latter agreed to the flow of US equipment and commodities from Chabahar to Afghanistan and Central Asia, thereby breaking the stranglehold of GHQ Rawalpindi on such supplies just as has long been the case with supplies from India. When General Secretary Xi asks Prime Minister Modi to welcome the CPEC, he fails to consider not only that it passes illegally through Indian territory but that the network is in substance off limits to India. Xi is asking India to cheer a cosy club set up together with GHQ Rawalpindi that sets up part of its facilities illegally in the territory of another country and adds to the injury by denying access to that same country while refusing to rectify the illegality committed by routing the CPEC through Indian territory taken by Pakistan through the use of force and deceit. The CPEC is among the biggest policy errors made by General Secretary Xi, as will become evident in course of time.
Just as Xi has followed the US policy of relying on the Pakistan military
इस शब्द का अर्थ जानिये
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