Top performers at Investors Clinic received crackers this pre-Diwali with a smile. Investors Clinic (IC) has announced gifts worth Rs 6 crore among its employees as a reward and recognition gesture. Employees were felicitated with 50 cars, 25 bikes, 350 tabs/I-pads/ laptops for their hard work and performance.
Despite the slowdown in the real estate market, IC appreciated employees’ contribution to the company. The “Historical Rewards and Recognition Award” (R&R) was organised at International Expo Centre in Noida recently. In the war for talent in the resurgent job market, companies always look for good talent, which become the building block for any organisation. IC tried to motivate the employees who played a crucial role in generating business and gave exemplary work performance in these trying times.
Speaking at the event, Honeyy Katiyal, Founder of Investors Clinic, said: “This is one of the biggest R&R events conducted in the real estate market. With this event, we wanted to set an example in the complete real estate sector. These events provide a stimulating environment to employees; which in turn fosters result-oriented, high-performance working culture. IC has been instrumental in giving shape to an industry, which was non-existent. We want to be the first one to benchmark the standards, taking the brokerage and consulting industry to a new high.”
The awards are a part of IC’s best people HR practices which focuses on rewarding diverse and talented work professionals and acts as a morale booster, across all levels of the organisation. “Our progressive, employee-centric programmes help the workforce realize their potential, thereby setting up a benchmark in the complete realty sector,” Katiyal added.
Showcasing its commitment towards clients, IC changed its tagline from “Property, Peace, Prosperity” to “Committed to Excellence”. In continuation to the same, the company also revised the look of their logo and unveiled the new one during the event.
Investors Clinic is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company serving realty space all over the world. It has a strong network in 18 cities across India and global foray with an international presence in Dubai and Singapore.