Desire lies at the core of being human. When we experience and enjoy union, we begin to desire others with increasing intensity. This is true of our relationship with God, our family and others.
When we love God we begin to know Him. The more we know Him, the more we love Him. The spiral is never ending. Even in eternity we will continue to love and know God.
Desire kicks in from the moment we are conceived. Our whole being, by its very nature, is a vast ocean of need. We experience our imperfection and know we are incomplete; we are empty yet feel jumbled. We long for one who can untie what is knotted together and tie what is swinging loose; we long for God.
The Bible proclaims good news: Jesus came into this world to quench our deep desire for harmony and love.
Through Him we can receive forgiveness and strength for the journey ahead. In Him we can overcome trials and temptations to which we were once enslaved. God gives us the joy of living, as we love and worship Him.
Love excels sacrifices or outward aspects of worship. When we experience God’s love, our truest form of worship is to love Him in return.
Answering the religious leader, who asked which commandment is most important, Jesus said, “The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.
This is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices” (Mark 12:28-33).
As we allow God to meet our desire for love and acceptance, He equips us to share the same love with others. This New Year, may we humbly receive God’s love and freely share the same love with others.