The ability to put any asset to productive use demands two pre-requisites. There should be awareness of the possibilities that can be achieved, and rigorous training, which will bring about the development of a capacity to use the asset. A jungle dweller may stumble upon a space shuttle, but at best, he will use it as another place to sleep, whereas the shuttle had a capability to make him soar through space!
In our physical existence on earth, we have our body as the main tool and asset. We usually see the body used only in the tradition of all fauna, as a tool to achieve an instinct-based existence – look for food, protect from physical harm, sleep, procreate, and live a life of mere sensory perception. But, that would be just an uneventful existence. Guru Granth Sahib says:
You wander around in the four directions, but without good fortune,
you shall never obtain your objective.
We are born from the womb on a certain day, but on that day we are just another member of an animal species, blessed with a body with unimagined treasures, but unaware of its potential. The beginning of human status commences with the Teacher imparting an understanding of our true purpose:
The Teachers are beyond birth or death,
They give the gift of life itself to the soul,
Inspire us towards the Unity.
Further clarity is imparted to our existence:
Serving the Teacher, and earning His grace,
Then, this human body is obtained.
Even angels long for this human body.
Use it in service of the Lord.
The date of physical birth only marks the beginning of our time as one more member of an animal species on Earth. But our real birth as a human being happens only when we understand our true objective of oneness with Him.