Terror groups abusing the name of Islam want to attack and destroy Sufi establishments, which still stand for love and tolerance. Sufis dedicated themselves to the love of God, which in turn meant love for all His creations—translating into charitable endeavours, notions of equality, egalitarianism, brotherhood and broad humanism. Service to humanity through feeding (langar), healing (jhar-phuk, blowing and touching, charms and amulets), etc., was considered a better form of worship than ritualistic prayers, which in turn was seen in terms of rewards in heaven and fear of punishment in hell. Sufi meditational-cum-bodily practices included control of the lower self, nafs, cultivation of the heart, qalb, and renunciation or withdrawal from this-worldly demands, tark-i duniya, with the same kind of intensity bordering on madness of Majnun and yet superior to him, for the latter sacrificed his life for a perishable Laila, whereas Sufis devoted themselves for an eternal God. Sufis could also sing and dance in the most aesthetically sophisticated forms developed through centuries of practice, teaching all along the virtues of acceptance, harmony and peace—seeking to preach what they practised and styling themselves as friends and lovers of God, waliullah, or aashiq-billah; and when Sufis passed away, celebrated as marriage or union with God, Urs, they left behind memories to be cherished forever.
The papers presented in the seminar covered Sufi activities in large parts of the subcontinent over centuries. Professor Shafi Shauq spoke on the vibrant Sufi traditions of Kashmir. Dr Yogesh Snehi contrasted violent attacks on Sufi shrines in contemporary Pakistani Punjab with widespread devotion for and even revival of Sufi practices in the Indian side of Punjab, comprising Sikhs and Hindus as devotees and patrons. This writer discussed the value of Chishti Sufism in the shaping of the cosmopolitan character of the capital city of Delhi. Leading Chishti figures such as Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki and Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya played important social and cultural roles, standing up to power from a position of moral authority acquired through tazkiya-i nafs, control of the lower self, and khidmat-i khalq, service to humanity. Nizamuddin’s collection of discourses or spiritual conversations, put together by a close disciple of his in Fawa’id-ul-Fu’ad (Benefiting the Heart), is a must read for anyone interested to comprehend the relevance of Sufism.
As a spiritual movement, Sufism had spread to different parts of India from around the thirteenth century CE onwards. The seminar at Hampi also covered Sufi traditions in Maharashtra and Karnataka, with some fine presentations on key figures and crucial themes by a number of accomplished scholars, including Dr Ganesh Visputay, Mr Riyaz Ahmad Bode, Mr Devu Pattar, Mr Amiruddin Khaji and Dr Ramjan Darga. The participation of a formidable line-up of Karnataka scholars, intellectuals and social analysts such as Professor H.S. Shivaprakash, Dr V.S. Sridhara, Mr Shivasunder and Dr J. Balakrishna, among others, added value to both style and substance. All of them emphasised on the crucial role of Sufis in creating religious harmony with long historical antecedents going back to medieval Persian poets of the stature of Jalaluddin Rumi and Hafiz Shirazi, as well as ecstatic expressions of Mansur Hallaj.
Sufi music or qawwali has especially played an important role in bringing people