Devotees would often go to Sri Ramakrishna to discuss about various states of spiritual experiences. They would also ask him about some of the Hatha Yoga practices which talk about various types of breath control. If practised carefully under the guidance of an able teacher, it is possible to reach the state of Kumbhaka where the breath completely stops for some time. But, Sri Ramakrishna generally discouraged such practices. He would say that through the path of intense spiritual disciplines it is possible to experience higher and higher states of super-consciousness. He would also explain the idea using an analogy. When a marksman fires a gun for the first time, the jerk from the shock along with the loud explosion has a stunning effect on him and makes him speechless. Similarly, when a person experiences the state of Kumbhaka he is breathless as well as speechless. It is a stunning spiritual experience. But, the experience of Kumbhaka or holding breath through the practices of Hatha Yoga don’t lead to such experience. On the other hand, through the practice of discipline such as prayer, japa, meditation, etc one advances slowly in the path of spiritual life and a sustained effort leads him even to a state of Bhava. Similar to Kumbhaka, in Bhava a person becomes speechless and the breathing also automatically stops. Hence, Sri Ramakrishna would say that it is important to practice spiritual disciplines with Vyakulata or longing for God. He would also quote the experience of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who because of intense love for God which is very rare attained the state of Bhava. When one experiences ecstatic love for God, one forgets external objects, the world itself and even one’s own body which is so dear to oneself. Thus Sri Ramakrishna would also emphasize practicing intense spiritual discipline to progress in spiritual life and experience states such as Bhava, etc.