How was your Resurrection Day celebration? The experience of Jesus’ disciples was varied; some watched our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross, and others hid in fear and disbelief. Yet the third day was most surprising for them. The news about Jesus’ resurrection was circulating all over. Many witnessed that Jesus was alive again; some had seen Him, Thomas had touched Him, The Emmaus travellers broke bread with Him, and Jesus manifested Himself in different places, even behind locked doors. Before His ascension, Jesus appeared to His disciples and followers ten times. Jesus was and is indeed alive again, and He has victoriously conquered the grave. Hallelujah!
The bodily resurrection of Jesus also promises us resurrection from the grave as God gifts His eternal life to us. We will have a glorified body like Jesus when we meet Him. Our bodies are the temple of the living God (1 Cor. 316). We are children of God; even now, when we suffer in our bodies, Jesus suffers with us. And if children, then heirs; of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified together” (Romans 8:17). There is no pain which Jesus did not experience, so Jesus understands us; we are never alone. Even in our most lonely hours, Jesus is with us.
We know
Jesus is alive
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