It was unknown until now that Mehbooba Mufti had such an overflow of emotion towards the recently killed leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah. Perhaps that would explain why some inhabitants of Kashmir paraded in streets there to protest the taking out of Nasrallah by the Israeli Defense Forces. Getting a group of folks together to shout pre-cooked slogans and disrupt traffic for a while by taking up the space needed in roads for motorists and pedestrians. The former Chief Minister of Kashmir suspended
An argument often trotted out to justify the terror attacks of Hamas is that the territory of Palestine as presently exists is under the security control of Israel. While such may be true of the West Bank, it was not in the case of Gaza, from where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had cleared out Israeli settlers and left Hamas to its own devices, focusing his attention on the West Bank. What took place on 7 October 2023 shows the unwisdom of such a “Hands Off” policy towards a Hamas-controlled Gaza. It is clear that by launching the terror attack and by (in its own view) ensuring the lack of a robust response from the IDF by taking such a large number of hostages, Hamas was looking at converting the West Bank into another Gaza. The calculation was that young Palestinians in particular would flock under the Hamas banner in what is the West Bank, displacing the Palestinian Authority as had taken place in Gaza in 2005. The rubble that is left of Gaza shows what happens when a terror organisation takes control of a territory. As for Lebanon, the people of that country have been paying a steep price as a consequence of its domination by Hezbollah. In much the same way, the people of Iran have been suffering privation as a consequence of the takeover of the country by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. By going forward with a major attack on Israel on 1 October, the clerical regime in Tehran may have sealed its own fate. Where Iran is concerned, President Biden cannot afford to look weak, and will therefore back Israel in its fightback against the biggest foe of Israel in the region. What is happening to Hamas, Hezbollah and the clerical regime in Iran shows why it is folly to attempt to repeat what was attempted by Hitler during 1936-45, the elimination of the Jewish people, who are among the most creative and gifted in the world. Never again will there be a repeat of the Holocaust.