Following Jesus Christ is not just about sharing the Gospel but also about living with humility and serving others, just as He did. Two important moments in Jesus’ life show this clearly. First, although He is the Creator of everything. He humbled Him- self and washed His disciples’ feet (John 13:4-5). Second, although He is the Giver of living water. He asked a Samaritan woman for a drink (John 4:7). These actions reveal that God’s mission is not about power and control but about love, humility. and service.
Jesus’ washing of feet redefines leadership in the Kingdom of God. He calls His disciples to follow His example of servanthood (John 13:14-15). This challenges the idea that religious work gives superi ority over others. True mission means kneeling be fore others, recognizing their dignity, and serving with love. It requires being present in communities, learning before leading, and embracing humility.
In John 4. Jesus, the source of living water, asks a Samaritan woman for a drink. This is surpris ing because Jews avoided Samaritans, men rarely spoke to unaccompanied women, and Jesus, though divine, showed need. Instead of using His authority. He built a relationship first. He began with a request, allowing the woman to give before offering living water. This shows that mission work is not just about preaching but also about connecting with people. Like Jesus, His followers should enter communities as learners and receivers, recognizing that God is already at work among them. Jesus, the incarnate God, knelt to serve and asked to receive. His mission calls us to do the same- bending low to serve, depending on those we serve, and sharing the Gospel of Christ Jesus through love and presence. This is a good reminder during the Lenten season.