BEIJING: People may be surprised to know that of the 39 million people who work for the government in China, only slightly more than seven million are Communist Party members. The common assumption is that all government officials are Communist Party of China cadres.
The government, under President Xi Jinping’s wide, sweeping campaign of change, initially tackled corruption at the higher levels of the national, provincial and larger cities. At those levels, the vast majority are Communist Party members or members of recognised parties which support
Now the government is embarking on the second phase of its anti-corruption campaign, which will aggressively and extensively reach down to the smallest city and village levels, where many are not Party members, but have been equally corrupt. To do this “clean sweep”, the Communist Party, in addition to filing more cases, has enacted rules against indirect corruption, for example, to prevent revolving door arrangements where officials, whether in the Party or not, would do favours for companies in return for a soft landing once they leave government. The reality is that while people applaud the government’s willingness to take on corruption at the higher levels, the corruption they engage in does not really touch their everyday lives. But corrupt city and village officials who enrich themselves, take bribes and steer money to friends and family, use for themselves the resources meant to improve roads, schools, hospitals, jobs and opportunity, are daily reminders of the corruption the common citizen has had to endure.
President Xi’s latest move, which is being reviled by many outside of China as a “violation of basic rights”, is to treat all government employees, whether in the Party or not, the same. It is a recognition that joining the government to serve your people and country creates a special obligation that is higher than the commitment people make when they are in the private sector. For example, there must be zero tolerance for traitors in the armed forces or in areas of strategic importance. There are different levels of conduct required and different legal procedures and laws that govern.
For China, as a one-party system, the burden of governing is significantly higher than their democratic opposites. There are no warring political parties to use as a pressure-relief valve for failed government policies. In China, the party is fully responsible for government, The CCP, therefore, must have the trust and faith of the population to maintain its legitimacy. That means making sure that those who work for the government are committed to serving the people, rather than themselves. Yes, it is a sacrifice, but one which people voluntarily must choose when they join government
There can be abuses, of course, but there is no logical or effective global alternative for China as a growth engine. So, instead of criticising China for taking the governance situation in hand, nations who have issues with corruption would be better served by watching and studying what China is doing. The rabid knee-jerk reactions to President Xi’s anti-corruption drive in some countries may make them feel superior, but they are not going to change China’s course.
Einar Tangen is a Beijing-based China analyst.