The Word of God invites us to journey through a profound reflection on creation, not merely as the work of God’s hands but as a continuous revelation of Christ Himself – a Christophany, where every leaf, every drop of water, and every breath of air speaks of the presence of our Lord. In the beginning, the Word spoke the cosmos into being.
John’s Gospel tells us in (John 1:1-3) to see Christ not only as the Saviour who came to redeem and transform humanity into His likeness but also as the divine Logos, who created the universe. Every atom and every star is a word from the Word, a note in the symphony of creation that sings of Christ. The apostle Paul deepens this reflection in his letter to the Colossians, saying, “For in him all things were created…all things have been created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16).
Here, Paul asserts that Christ is not only the agent of creation but its purpose. In its breath taking beauty and complexity, the cosmos is a revelation of Christ’s eternal power and divine nature, as described in Romans 1:20. But how do we encounter Christ in creation? How does this view change our relationship with the world around us? First, seeing creation as a Christophany calls us to a posture of reverence and awe. When we look at the grandeur of the night sky or the intricate beauty of a flower, God invites us to worship Him, seeing these not merely as natural phenomena but as expressions of Christ’s glory.
Second, caring for the earth means honouring Christ and participating in the ongoing work of creation that He sustains each moment. Lastly, encountering the cosmos as a Christophany transforms our vision of the future