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CHRISTIANITY: Inclusive love exalts a nation

Sacred TextsCHRISTIANITY: Inclusive love exalts a nation

To uplift and exalt India, embracing inclusive love is crucial, recognizing that all individuals are created in God’s image and possess inherent dignity and worth. (Gen. 1:26-27). When we live out this principle of inclusive love, the ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, as enshrined in our Constitution, become a reality for all citizens, just as Jesus exemplified during His time on earth. Jesus showed immense compassion and kindness for those in need. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and comforted the suffering. Are we actively demonstrating compassion and kindness toward others, especially the marginalized or those in distress? Christ forgave those who wronged Him, even on the cross. Are we willing to forgive those who have hurt us, letting go of grudges and resentments? Jesus performed numerous acts of kindness, from turning water into wine to feeding thousands with a few loaves and fishes. Are we engaging in acts of kindness and generosity in our daily

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lives? Jesus welcomed all, including outcasts and sinners. Are we embracing diversity and inclusivity, accepting people of all backgrounds and beliefs with open hearts? Jesus stood up for justice and spoke against oppression. Are we advocating for justice and equality, particularly on behalf of those who are marginalized or oppressed? Jesus lived a selfless life, prioritizing the needs of others. Are we putting the needs of others ahead of our desires and interests? Jesus often prayed and sought spiritual connection. Are we nurturing our spiritual lives through prayer, reflection, and seeking a deeper relationship with God? Jesus built a community of believers who supported one another. Are we actively participating in our communities and fostering fellowship with others? Jesus shared His wisdom and teachings with others.

Are we sharing the Gospel and our faith with those around us in words and actions? Ultimately, Jesus’ life was a demonstration of love in action. Are we living out the love we profess, not just in words but in tangible ways that bless the lives of others? May God bless India as we strive to embody these values and follow in the footsteps of Christ.

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