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Christianity: Living in victory

Sacred TextsChristianity: Living in victory

As Shanna celebrates and reflects on the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, she stands at the heart of the Christian faith. The Resurrection is not just an event that occurred two millennia ago; it is the cornerstone of the church’s belief, the source of her hope, and the assurance of her resurrection. On Good Friday, the political and religious leaders who plotted the crucifixion of Jesus believed their deception had triumphed over justice. The darkness of the tomb appeared to be the final word. Yet, Easter morning reveals God’s power over death, a promise that life, not death, has the final say. God’s love for humanity had triumphed, not hatred and violence . This victory is not just Christ’s but also ours.

Jesus has opened the path to eternal life through His resurrection for all who believe in Him.

Jesus’ rising from the dead inaugurates a new creation. Just as God breathed life into Adam, Jesus’ Resurrection now extends an invitation for us to embrace a new life of grace, not merely returning to life as it was but entering a transformed life in union with Christ as we participate in God’s life. We are called to embody the hope, joy, and love that emerge from Christ’s victory over death by living as people of the Resurrection.

The Resurrection encourages us to embrace faith amidst doubt, underscoring that faith isn’t about the absence of doubt but about trusting in God’s promise, even when we don’t fully comprehend. Jesus’ resurrection plants in our hearts the seed of eternal hope. In a world often marked by suffering and despair, the Resurrection assures us that God’s love is stronger than death. Jesus’ Resurrection signifies God’s victory in making all things new.

Jesus sent Mary Magdalene and the disciples to witness the Resurrection; we, too, are called to share this good news. Shanna finds the strength to face each day with renewed faith and hope, for Christ is risen; he is risen indeed.

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