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CHRISTIANITY: Palm Sunday: Embracing humility

Sacred TextsCHRISTIANITY: Palm Sunday: Embracing humility

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the sacred time of the year for Christians, commemorating the final week of Jesus Christ’s life on earth. All four Gospels (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19) richly capture the narrative of Palm Sunday, describing Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, an event filled with symbolism and deep spiritual significance.
Reflecting on the readings, we receive an invitation to consider the profound humility and kingship of Jesus.

The image of Christ entering Jerusalem on a donkey, a beast of burden, sharply contrasts with the expectations of a Messiah who would overthrow Roman rule and restore Israel to earthly glory. Instead, Jesus introduces a new kind of kingship rooted in service, sacrifice, and love.

The crowds greeting Jesus with shouts of “Hosanna!” laid down palm branches and their cloaks as a sign of honour, recognizing him as the long-awaited Messiah. Yet, within a week, many of these same voices cried out for his crucifixion. This swift change from rejoicing to rejection reflects the fickle nature of human allegiance and challenges us to consider our faithfulness. Are we committed to walking with Jesus through the challenges and sufferings of life?

This journey through Holy Week is a profound spiritual pilgrimage, inviting us to die to ourselves and to rise again with Christ to new life. The life of Jesus also reveals the nature of authentic leadership and power. His leadership serves as a power that is made perfect in weakness.

By choosing the path of humility and obedience, even unto death on the cross, Jesus inaugurates a new kingdom where the last shall be first, and the servant is the greatest.
As we enter this Holy Week, let us carry the lessons of Palm Sunday in our hearts, committing ourselves anew to follow in the footsteps of our Saviour, who leads us from death to life, from despair to hope, and from darkness to His marvellous light. Jesus serves the common good of humanity; let us do the same!

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