New Delhi: Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav criticized the BJP-led Uttar Pradesh government in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, citing the recent Sambhal incident. He accused the state administration of orchestrating a “well-planned conspiracy” to divert attention from the state bypolls and demanded that a “murder case” be registered against the police and administration. Yadav also called for the suspension of those responsible.

Tensions in Sambhal have been high since November 19, following clashes between protestors and police over a court-ordered survey of the Jama Masjid, which resulted in four deaths.

Addressing the Lok Sabha, Akhilesh Yadav said, “Sambhal, known for its communal harmony, has fallen victim to a well-planned conspiracy. The incident there was orchestrated. The BJP and its allies’ narrative around ‘excavation’ across the country threatens to undermine national unity and brotherhood.”

He alleged that the timing of the events in Sambhal was suspicious, coinciding with the rescheduled by-elections in Uttar Pradesh. “Bypolls were initially set for November 13 but were postponed to November 20. This government disregards constitutional principles,” he said.

Yadav detailed the sequence of events, stating, “A petition was filed against the Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal, leading to a survey order without hearing both sides. The survey took place on November 19, with the report due in court on November 22. On that day, people were barred from offering prayers at the mosque. Despite this, prayers were peacefully conducted. Another survey was conducted on November 24, during which locals gathered to seek clarity. The Circle Officer insulted the crowd, leading to a lathi charge. Subsequently, the police opened fire using government and private weapons, injuring dozens and killing five innocent people. A murder case must be filed against the police and administration, and they should be suspended to ensure justice and prevent such incidents in the future,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Uttar Pradesh Police issued a notice to Congress state president Ajay Rai on Monday, advising him against visiting violence-hit Sambhal. The notice stated, “In light of the peace and communal sensitivity in Sambhal, Rai is requested to postpone his proposed visit to avoid violating the District Magistrate’s order under Section 163 BNSS.”