For the first time in history, underwater drones are being deployed to ensure the safety of pilgrims attending the upcoming Kumbh Mela. The Yogi Adityanath-led government has devised a comprehensive plan to manage emergencies, aiming to establish the Kumbh Mela as the largest spiritual gathering in Sanatan Dharma. Scheduled to commence on January 13, 2025, in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, the Mahakumbh Mela is expected to witness an unprecedented gathering of over 450 million people.

To ensure the safety and security of individuals during the sacred Sangam Snan, an extensive and detailed security framework has been implemented. The newly introduced underwater drones will maintain 24/7 surveillance beneath the river waters, closely monitoring all underwater activities. These drones are equipped with cutting-edge technology, enabling them to operate effectively in low-light conditions and provide precise tracking of potential threats. With a maximum operational depth of 100 meters, the drones deliver accurate and timely updates, significantly strengthening the safety measures at this massive cultural event.

Acting under the guidance of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Inspector General of Police (Eastern Zone, Prayagraj) Dr. Rajeev Narayan Mishra launched an advanced high-speed underwater drone on Wednesday. Dr. Mishra highlighted the drone’s sophisticated features and its vital role in safeguarding pilgrims during the Mahakumbh. The state-of-the-art drone is capable of diving to depths of up to 100 meters and transmitting real-time activity data to the Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC). With unlimited operational range, the drone provides precise details about any suspicious underwater movements, enabling swift and effective response measures.

In addition to the deployment of drones, joint teams from the PAC, SDRF, and NDRF are collaborating to ensure the safety of all attendees. A comprehensive security strategy has been devised to protect every pilgrim. Over 700 boats, marked with flags, will be manned round-the-clock by personnel from the PAC, NDRF, and SDRF. Additionally, the use of advanced remote-controlled life buoys has been introduced to enhance safety measures. These life-saving devices can quickly reach emergency locations and transport individuals to safety, ensuring the well-being of millions of pilgrims attending this global spiritual gathering.