The Yogi government has implemented special cybersecurity measures to ensure the safety of devotees attending the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj. A team of 56 cyber experts will be deployed in Mahakumbhnagar to protect attendees from across India and abroad. Under Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s directive, the SSP of Mahakumbhnagar will oversee the comprehensive monitoring of this ‘Digital Mahakumbh.’ An action plan has been developed to counter cybercriminals, with a cyber help desk established at every police station in Mahakumbhnagar. These help desks will be manned by experts conducting cyber patrolling.

According to Rajesh Dwivedi, SSP Mahakumbh, cyber help desks are being set up across all 56 police stations to safeguard devotees and provide assistance. Awareness campaigns about cyber threats will include films displayed on Variable Messaging Displays (VMD) throughout the fairgrounds to educate attendees and keep them alert to cyber risks.

A dedicated Mahakumbh cyber police station has been established to address cybersecurity threats such as AI-driven scams, fraudulent websites, and social media fraudsters. The primary aim is to provide a secure digital environment for devotees and tackle fake links used by cybercriminals. Experts have already identified 50 suspicious websites, and action is being taken against them. Additionally, mobile cyber teams will conduct awareness drives and handle online threats on a large scale.

A helpline number, 1920, has been introduced to assist devotees with Mahakumbh-related information. Visitors are encouraged to rely on government websites ending in “” for accurate details. Fake websites can be reported to local police stations, where the cyber police will take swift action.

Cyber experts are also monitoring criminal groups exploiting AI, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram for scams. Strict measures will be enforced against those involved in fraud through fake links and websites.

Awareness initiatives include sharing information via films displayed on VMDs and using platforms such as AI, X, Facebook, and Google to disseminate messages. The government expects approximately 45 crore devotees to visit Mahakumbhnagar and is leveraging print, digital, and social media to ensure wide outreach.

Preparations for installing 40 VMDs across the fairgrounds and commissionerates have been completed. These displays will provide real-time cybersecurity updates, helping devotees remain vigilant. Following Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s vision, the Mahakumbh will feature high-tech arrangements alongside its grand and spiritual offerings, ensuring the online safety of millions of attendees from around the world.