After a review meeting for Mahakumbh preparations in Prayagraj on Tuesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath urged the people of Prayagraj to uphold the highest standards of cleanliness and hospitality during the grand event. Extending his New Year greetings, he said, “With everyone’s cooperation, hosting the Mahakumbh with full grandeur will not only showcase the efforts of the double-engine government but also reflect the pride of the people of Prayagraj. I appeal to all residents to seize this opportunity to surpass the example of cleanliness and hospitality set during the 2019 Kumbh. Let’s ensure Prayagraj shines once again as a model of excellence.”

Addressing the media after the review meeting at the ICCC auditorium of the Prayagraj Mela Authority, the Chief Minister expressed optimism about the successful and safe completion of the Mahakumbh, with blessings from nature, Lord Prayagraj, Dwadash Madhav, and the holy rivers Ganga and Yamuna. He highlighted the extensive development work undertaken in Prayagraj, including upgrades to over 200 roads, single lanes converted to double lanes, double lanes to four lanes, and four lanes to six lanes. Out of 14 planned flyovers and ROBs, 13 are complete, with the last one nearing completion. Several beautification projects have also been carried out.

The city has been equipped with holding areas at railway stations and nearby locations. Parking spaces have been developed across 5,000 acres, located 2 to 5 kilometers from Sangam along major routes. These parking areas are supported by checkpoints, robust security measures, and public address systems to ensure smooth operations during the Mahakumbh.

The Chief Minister shared updates on infrastructure enhancements for the event. During the 2019 Kumbh, 22 pontoon bridges were built, which has now been increased to 30, with 28 already completed and the remaining two to be ready in three to four days. A 12-kilometer-long temporary ghat is nearly complete, and a permanent ghat near Arail is expected to be finished within two to three days. Additionally, 530 kilometers of checkered plates and a 450-kilometer pipeline for clean drinking water have been laid across the area. Over 7,000 organizations are participating, and the Mela Authority has arranged more than 1.5 lakh tents.

He emphasized the global significance of the Mahakumbh, a rare event occurring after 144 years, attracting visitors worldwide. “This monumental gathering is eagerly awaited by people across the globe,” he said, adding that the government is working tirelessly to ensure seamless arrangements.

The Chief Minister detailed the schedule of sacred baths, beginning with the first holy bath on Paush Purnima (January 13), followed by Makar Sankranti (January 14), which will also feature an Amrit Snan. The Mauni Amavasya bath, expected to attract 6 to 8 crore devotees, will take place on January 29. Basant Panchami on February 3 will mark another major bath, with two more scheduled for February 12 and February 26. CM Yogi assured that no protocol restrictions would apply on the main bathing days, ensuring inclusivity. He also revealed plans for floral showers to honor saints and welcome devotees during the occasion.