Old Europe confronts a New US and an emerging New Europe

For its own well-being, Europe needs to...

Women’s Day: A call for true liberation

Many women internalize societal conditioning, prioritizing appearance...

‘Time for Five Eyes to reform, welcome India’

Critics argue that the alliance, traditionally dominated...

Deepak Vohra

Joe Biden’s task is cut out for him

Some Democrats would want Biden to go after Donald Trump and find every skeleton in the former President’s cupboard. There is the pressing issue...

January 2021 in US is 1968 all over again

1968 was a hinge point in history, one of the most consequential and tumultuous years in the American experience, and it changed the country...

India, Tibet and the world: The saga of convenient oblivion

In 1949, the Communist Chinese booted out a system perceived as corrupt, unjust, exploitative. The prevailing fantasy was that together India and China would...

The post virus era BRI and China’s new laws

Its virus has shattered the world’s economy and instead of nations begging China for succour (as Ping-Pong had hoped), they are demanding accountability and...

The post virus era BRI and China’s new laws

Its virus has shattered the world’s economy and instead of nations begging China for succour (as Ping-Pong had hoped), they are demanding accountability and...

The post virus era BRI and China’s new laws

Its virus has shattered the world’s economy and instead of nations begging China for succour (as Ping-Pong had hoped), they are demanding accountability and...

Beijing’s troubles intensify: The world has read China’s book

On 2 December 2020, Dr Robert Redfield, chief of the Centres for Disease Control in Atlanta warned that the next two months would be...


Trump is scorching the road to Beijing. Trump knows his legacy in foreign policy will be the China pushback. It will be difficult for...

So you thought that Xi Jinping was smart?

New York: On 23 November, President Donald Trump’s core team finally conceded defeat (without explicitly saying so) and began the transition to a new...

When the world began again

In India of the past we ‘socially distanced’ ourselves (2 yards was the prescribed norm) from the so-called untouchables. Now it is the global...


The US election was a referendum on conflicting ideologies, not a clash of personalities. The winner Joe Biden is tired, old, and uninspiring. But...


The Chinese virus is alive and kicking, and even more vicious than before. Bowing to electoral expediency, Trump assured America that a vaccine would...

In two days, US voters will decide who will occupy White House

New York: Except perhaps for a few liberal democracies like India, Japan and South Korea in Asia, Europe and North America, the US elections...

Trump focuses on virus and jobs ahead of Election Day

New Delhi: With less than two weeks until Election Day, more than 51 million people have already voted, either in-person, or through ballots, surpassing...

China is Public Enemy No. 1 in US election

According to recent surveys, almost 2 million Indian Americans are eligible to vote of whom about 500,000 live in the ‘battleground states’. The widely...

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