“When the Lord is omnipresent, why should I visit a temple? He is with me, here, right now.” A logical protest! Omnipresent does not mean Omnimanifest, but can we “see Him or “contact” Him wherever? Swami Chinmayanandaji explained thus: “Milk is present in essence in the entire body of the cow, but milking the ears or the tail does not yield milk.
One has to go to the udders alone.” As also, the government is present all over the country, but in case you have work with the government you have to make a pilgrimage to the capital
The idols also are installed after being consecrated with holy mantras and ablutions. The idol makers follow a strict regimen of fasting and prayers before they start crafting an image of the Lord. In humility and devotion, they carve the lords feet first. When so much devotional thought goes into the mere creation of a temple, and when such powerful thoughts flow from the visiting devotees, the temples and the idols become fountainheads of energised matter radiating peace and blessings.
Prarthna Saran, president Chinmaya mission Delhi.