The Crime Branch of Delhi Police on Saturday arrested four members of the “Vikash Bhadana gang” which is infamous for robbery and carjacking incidents. Among the four arrested is Pradeep alias Golu (25) who was a sharpshooter of the gang. The police recovered one Santro car and two country made 7.62 bore pistols with seven live cartridges.
With the arrest of these robbers, police said that in all, 12 cases of robbery and carjacking have been solved. An FIR under the Arms Act 1959 has also been registered with the Crime Branch in this regard.
The criminals were arrested at the Golden Jubilee Park at Salimgarh bypass after police received a tip-off. Based on the information received, police laid a trap with the help of the informer who pointed out the car in which the criminals were travelling. The criminals were arrested after police intercepted the moving vehicle and overpowered the travellers with the help of weapons. Only three accused were travelling in the car. Their identities were revealed as Pradeep alias Golu, Deepak and Arun. One country made 7.62 bore pistol alongwith four live cartridges were recovered from the Golu’s possession, while one country made 7.62 bore pistol alongwith three live cartridges were recovered from the possession of Deepak.
The third accused, namely Arun, was found sitting in the rear seat of the car. The fourth criminal Imran, alias Behra, was arrested after Pradeep and Deepak revealed his whereabouts to the police.
Golu was released on a week’s parole in September 2015 when his father died. After coming out of jail, he again started committing carjackings and robberies in Delhi. He is wanted in cases registered in Rohtak, Mahendergarh and Narnaul districts in Haryana.
Golu and Deepak further revealed that they used to procure pistol and cartridges from Meerut, UP. Golu, a resident of Rohtak, had jumped parole in a murder case of PS KN Katju Marg. He was arrested for the murder of Ravi Goel, a businessman, for whom Golu was working as a henchman in 2012. Golu had shot Goel because Goel had scolded him once. He was arrested in this case in April 2014.