Kya Wajah Hai, the hot new collaboration among three talented young musicians combines classic rap with melodic singing and high production value, resulting in a romantic yet edgy sound that will appeal to varied tastes. Yogie, Vani and Wroc, have stepped out of their respective styles and comfort zones to create a truly memorable sound here. The three artists spoke exclusively to G20 about their new EP, Kya Wajah Hai. Excerpts:
Q. How did this collaboration take place?
Wroc initiated the whole collaboration. He reached out with this beat to Yogie who really enjoyed it and could immediately visualize the vocals being sung by Vani. Then he reached out to her for a collaboration. One song led to another and we ended up making an entire EP together, just off that one single beat.
Q. What is the message you would like to convey through this EP?
This EP talks about all the different mixed-up feelings one goes through when in love. Influenced by the world around us, we decided to make the focus of the EP on the concept of love during the pandemic, in all its forms- the good and the bad parts of it. Keeping it contemporary ensures that the songs are more relatable, and the beats put you in the kind of mellow mood most of us would like to experience in these challenging times.
Q. What is the story behind the title of the album?
When the songs were being written, there was a constant dialogue between Yogie and Vani on each one of them. This frank back-and-forth banter basically set the overall mood of the EP. We have captured the essence of these creative dialogues and given them life in «Kya Wajah Hai» as the playful banter between lovers. Fortunately, the same vibe also fit the mood of all the other songs in the EP and allowed us to just run with it.
Q. What is the biggest inspiration of your music?
Quite honestly, each one of us is so different from the others, in terms of style and also in terms of our inspirations. Though we may be very different from each other, the sound we created together for this EP became a syncretic version of the three of us, almost as if we were a distinct entity. Our true inspiration came from each other, as each of us witnessed a side of ourselves that we previously were not aware of.
Wroc is usually known for creating dark beats but there is a dramatic shift in his regular sound, with the chilled lo-fi vibe on this EP. Similarly, Yogie and Vani were traditionally influenced by some of the biggest singer-songwriters and rappers in the world, who are famous for their strong and larger than life voices. However, this EP saw a change in their vocals to a softer version. This experimentation ensured that the writing and intent of the message we wanted the EP to convey, came out very well.
The interviewer is a lifestyle columnist and blogger at She can be found on Instagram @nooranandchawla.