Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Israel, India is set to see a significant rise in the footprint of Israeli companies in various sectors. As many as 12 strategic pacts, envisaging investments worth $4.3 billion, were signed between Indian and Israeli companies at the first meeting of CEOs’ forum in Tel Aviv this week.
Among various deals signed, The Sunday Guardian was able to speak to an Israeli company that is set to help India augment its clean drinking water resources.
Water-Gen, owner of a proprietary and patented technology for producing portable water from air, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with India’s SUN Group.
Explaining their technology to The Sunday Guardian, Maxim Pasik, executive chairman of Water-Gen, said, “Our cutting-edge technology provides an abundant, renewable source of fresh and clean drinking water by ‘extracting water directly from the air’. With the patented GENius, the world’s most energy-efficient AWG (Air to Water Generating) module of its kind, Water-Gen’s various water generator models can serve the water needs from a small house to whole villages to an entire country.”
Pasik added, “Water-Gen can solve India’s drinking water crisis and immediately provide the safest and most cost-efficient drinking water to the people of India. In addition, by manufacturing Water-Gen units in India, we will be creating thousands of jobs and positively affecting India’s economy.”
On 4 July, Water-Gen signed an MoU with India’s SUN Group whose vice-president is a member of the newly-formed India-Israel CEO forum. As part of the MoU, the two companies agreed to cooperate in the distribution of Water-Gen’s cutting-edge technology in the Indian market, with an emphasis on the Indian military, official institutions, and government agencies.
Expressing his expectations from India-Israel trade relations, Pasik said, “The connection between India and Israel is of great importance; the two countries have many ideas to share from defence to hi-tech to water. Trade between our countries will continue to grow over the next five years. Water-Gen will do our part to contribute significantly to these efforts.”
Water treatment has been identified as one of the focus sectors for collaboration between India-Israel. Among other focus sectors are agriculture, irrigation, urban infrastructure, transport (including high speed railways and metro), pharma, life-sciences, digital technologies, IT, start-ups, defence and homeland security.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry promoted “Invest India” at the CEO forum under which a dedicated desk has been set up to promote Israeli investments into India. It will act as a single-window agency providing comprehensive services for all Indo-Israel ventures.