We had swung in a primal amniotic sea
spewed out to a dry land
Memory failed, yet the body
never forgot the lullaby and sought it
In the sighing of oceans
Water, with addition of salt
leaked from our eyes as tears
When we were at our truest
most vulnerable self
You held one ocean in your eyes
With its identical twin in your heart
standing arms akimbo
A guardian angel of buoys
Keeping me undrowned
Behind you
there is a black black sea
even as the Sun and skies slide on
Leaving it shaded green or grey or blue
An ordained wave is coded
To carry my water logged body
far and further
I cannot resist
the coquettish beckoning
Of the sea who knows
I have no gills to cope with
Water dissolved air
Let me leapfrog over you
To that ocean
Red sea, Dead Sea, Black Sea
that combine and make
My cradle for a newer birth.