India-Canada relations fall prey to Trudeau’s quest for self-interest

Once lauded for its freedom, openness, and...

ISLAM: Good in every situation

Regarding the maintenance of relationships between a...

Indian media is now in the crosshairs of foreign forces

Justin Trudeau, by targeting India, is trying...

Lakshmi Bayi


So You are done with the celebrations they organized for You? The pandhals, the poojas the mass incantations the fruits, flowers and incense, The bhog packed In gaily coloured paper boxes The...

Final goodbye

I have said my final goodbye to me Like the crunch of appetizers the young wood of the Mango tree crackles in anticipation of the fruit above Such was a...

A love story sculpted by nature

This is just a simple love story which happened in that bit of the Earth where it was still possible to find pure water,...

Sanatan Dharma is universal in its philosophy

Sanatan Dharma was unique in that it respected the individual over groups. There is nothing about Creation which is static. Even when Shri Narayana was...

Bhagavati: The essence of the Goddess

The people of India have quickened their interest in our classics, in our ancient historiography, and in the complex theology that was taught in...

‘Breaking Barriers’ takes a look at some wonderful bonds among politicians

With great clarity Nafees Fazal recounts the harsh patriarchal attitude in her own family and how that served as a lesson for her to...

The wondrous world of the four Yugas

The beauty of the teachings of Sanatana Dharma is its variety. It is the most broad-minded, multi-hued of philosophies. Divinity has been regarded from ancient...

Ancients bless Annapoorneshwari’s abundant table

It was around the dining table of Shobhana, christened Annapoorneshwari or the Goddess of Food, that plans for the renaissance of the Thiruvattaar temple...

The Dark Ocean

So I am your friend, is it? like the one you married or the one you did not marry Your lover Maybe like your tender ancestor of a grandmother You have...

Amawasya on Pournami

Scientists declared hat it was the Moon which which made my spirits rise and fall As though I was on a cocktail of chemicals The daily Suns of energy sank in...

The Sounds of War and Music

Music, as in the case of Love, belongs to those who revel in it. The lyrics may differ. The musical instruments used may sound...


Was it not enough That I lost to you Openly and completely That my armies were massacred ? Their loyalty to me was constant Even when it could not...

O Shankara

Do you seek to know me O Shankara? I am the very rock on which I fall gently as snow forming your cold footstool I am those snakes...

Lesson in love

I learned to tuck you in Under my eyelids Breathe you in stealthily With the air I inhale I feel you on me In the velvet darkness of the...

Lesson in love

I learned to tuck you in Under my eyelids Breathe you in stealthily With the air I inhale I feel you on me In the velvet darkness of the...

Lesson in love

I learned to tuck you in Under my eyelids Breathe you in stealthily With the air I inhale I feel you on me In the velvet darkness of the...


Nowadays Kali only my soul drapes around You as worship No longer giving You a bath, decking You up feeding  with the choicest items for Naivedyam Adorning you with flowers intertwined...


Kanha! Black darling of Vrindavan! They are celebrating Your birthday today They have washed You with scented waters Dressing You in that favourite yellow silk Adorning your head with a nodding peacock...

How ancient Indians decoded the mathematics of democracy

One hundred percent is the whole of humanity. From its first recorded history, human society has continually experimented with methods of governance. An isolated...

Ode of Mahisha

I sort out my luggage before this trip The bookshelves of knowledge I no longer have any need for The bundles of love Tied up with kisses The friends...


What do I possess in this world ? The Sunsets are mine and all the Moonrises Even the fugitive one of the New Moon Signifying the end of a...


What do I possess in this world ? The Sunsets are mine and all the Moonrises Even the fugitive one of the New Moon Signifying the end of a...


What do I possess in this world ? The Sunsets are mine and all the Moonrises Even the fugitive one of the New Moon Signifying the end of a...

Lament of Mahisha

Yes I have waited through All these days of battle And nights of hunger When I pined for you Fantasised your saying yes to me In so many ways That it...

Health in the Vedic Age

The traditional Indian health system is called Ayurveda or the science of Long Life. There is a predominance of the number Three in all...


Mahabalipuram There were four stately temples in me the sea dedicated by four warriors No longer can I remember which Deities lived there The stonework was delicate looking like pure...

Avanamcode and the timeless teachings of Aadi Shankara

Sri Aadi Shankara is easily among the most famous of Indian philosopher saints. His contribution to literature is stupendous, especially if you take into...

The silence of conversation

There will come a time my beloved When my most intense conversations with you are carried out in silence The very air will tremble The moonlight strain To overhear The sibilances within my soundlessness Oh...

Call of the sea

We had swung in a primal amniotic sea spewed out to a dry  land Memory failed, yet the body never forgot the lullaby and sought it In the...

Beautiful black

The shy pink of the dawn rises from the midnight black The yellow tendrils of the Sun clamber up a deep blue sky Watch the green mood of...


What will you say When they ask the reasons for your silence? Were you too dense to catch thoughts shouted out as they formed and herded together? Will you say That...

Enduring devotion

Countless times have I told You of my love How many times will You reject me so that fed up, I leave You alone for any other? Leave You and...

Navarathri Winter

If love was just that thing communicated in silence A sculpture made of dewdrops and dreams And tears kissed away gently With butterfly wings before hurt became an issue Before...

Triumph in loss

I lost my confidence in myself as a warrior who defeated Indra I lost my army, my kinsmen, kingdom Along the way my reputation So here I was,...


Devi Kanha! Milking the cows was devotion to you The Milk my Naivedyam for my ever hungry Lord The clank of pails and my anklets rang for You like temple...

Till next birth, my love

The same Sun that clambers up The East and slide down the West to unfailing pop up the next dawn The anxious Moon will go its Monthly yoyo...


Who would call it wrong ? This beating of the heart like a thousand kettle drums My mad search for You with twin lamps My eyes that search everywhere for...


All Vrindavan was just A backdrop for You And Your various loves   The absorbed love of Yashoda The quiet one of Nandagopal The protective one of Balarama The elder whom...

Migrant Musings

This is a country for the rich whose work we willingly do The summers are so hot We inhale the Sun with the dust and drown it in...

Migrant Pain

My father, reeking of sweat and liquor Beat up my mother and my sisters Reserving just a shove for me As I was his son, a boy,...

The Demon

In the land where cows are revered I was the bull, used as a stud for long and then castrated In the land where fair skin was...

Ode to Ma

Ma Kali, everything was just You And though people liked to refer to You With different names I learned my method of worship Just by looking at the...

Radha and Krishna: The beginnings of eternal love

Krishna looked at the dead and valiant Yadavas piled one on the other. Samba’s aborted embryo had mutated to a deadly shape, worse than...

An ace actor who was also a Gentleman

Irrfan Khan was able to show the magic of his acting not just through his eyes but his voice as well. He did not...

Song to Covid

Whether they made you Deliberately mixing particles Or you came into being Just like that, it does not matter now Like girls getting pregnant Before marriage in a Conservative society And...

New India must move far away from its tragic past

More than 70 years after Independence from a foreign power, we are still floundering about in waters muddied by warring politicians.     Lack of knowledge is...

Goddess of wealth: Relevance of Lakshmi to our world

The goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, quite like the element of water from which she was born, requires circulation. Wealth that is hoarded often lies...

Tradition must not be ignored at Sabarimala

India has all too few written records and even less respect for its ancient history.   Emotions are running high in the surroundings of the...

Tradition must not be ignored at Sabarimala

India has all too few written records and even less respect for its ancient history.   Emotions are running high in the surroundings of the...

Tradition must not be ignored at Sabarimala

India has all too few written records and even less respect for its ancient history.   Emotions are running high in the surroundings of the...

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