Actor Kunal Kapoor and Akshay Oberoi turned showstoppers as Van Heusen’s timeless classics fashion show in the capital recently. The collection remained understated and chic, as the brand displayed how its interpretation of fashion included a subtle glamour. Sharp silhouettes were well balanced by the right choice of fabrics. The Van Heusen collection were made of tuxedos, classic suits, cross-toned shirts, jackets, chinos and slim fit shirts. Prints for summers and tweeds and a layered look for winters was declared as the trend forecast for next year. Fuss-free, with slim cuts and with fabrics like linen, cotton and wool, this range is immensely wearable. Vani Kannan, Head of Design at Van Heusen, shares, “We are showcasing an array of curated, slick and tailored looks in our collection, paying an ode to power dressing in the 20s and the 50s era.”
Return to vintage with Van Heusen’s timeless classics
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