Recently, cricket icon Yuvraj Singh launched his premium fashion label — YWC in Mumbai. His brand promise to offer an exclusive blend of futuristic designs, chic fabrics and attitude amalgamated in one perfect collection. The high quality home-grown premium fashion label incorporates urban silhouettes exuding a sporty style which is Yuvraj’s signature style statement.
Launched with two distinct product lines, the Gold Line, and the Core Line, the Gold line, featured a meticulously designed & curated range by renowned designers, Shantanu & Nikhil. While, the Core line conceptualized around the lifestyle of an active go-getter, seamlessly integrates every day comfort and an athletic lifestyle with trendy fashion.
Walking the “gold carpet” and ramp for the occasion were none other than Zaheer Khan, Harbhajan Singh, Sushil Kumar, Chris Gayle, Ashish Nehra, Baichung Bhutia, PR Sreejesh, Sharmila Nicollet, Virendra Sehwag, Rohit Sharma, and of course Yuvraj Singh among many others.
This extension into fashion is a natural progression of Yuvraj’s philosophy of Live|Dare|Inspire. The core of the brand is rooted in his personal journey with YouWeCan – an NGO he set up specifically for cancer survivors and patients. Most importantly, the royalties from the sale of every product will contribute to the NGO with a long term objective to make it self-sustaining to serve its cause. This kind of participative CSR to involve a larger audience to support this important cause is Yuvraj’s big vision, very evident in his passion and deep involvement in the creation of YWC label.
Speaking on the occasion, cricketer and humanitarian, Yuvraj Singh said, “Apart from being a creative dream, this new venture is an emotional one for me. It brings the satisfaction of doing something for a cause that is very close to my heart. While launching a clothing line, felt like a natural step for the entrepreneurial bug in me; I always wanted to create something that is proudly ‘Made in India’ and offers international quality designer wear. A lot of research and hard work has gone into crafting this range that marks my debut into the fashion world. My ultimate vision is to see YWC outlive the name Yuvraj Singh.”
“Shantanu & Nikhil who have intricately crafted the Gold collection under the YWC label understand my style, and helped to bring out the canvas of ideas to life. They add the subtlety and class to this collection which I am hopeful will be loved by all,” added Singh.
“In addition to being one of the biggest and most celebrated cricketer, Yuvraj Singh is an incredibly talented and creative individual, whose style and confidence inspires everyone in the nation. We have tried to give this collection a touch of his own personal style and hues of his charismatic personality.” said the designer duo, Shantanu & Nikhil.
The Lifestyle category will be undertaken by our brand partners Suditi Industries Ltd. which will manufacture and design the lifestyle and fashion apparel line for men, women and children. Our brand partners are aligned to our commitment to grow this vibrant category in India. The complete licencing and manufacturing of the brand was mediated by ‘Black White & Orange Brands’. The YWC label will be available online on the YWC official website – and exclusively