Restore health of damaged hair

Restore health of damaged hair

Healthy, shiny hair is basic to beauty. Yet, we see so much hair damage today! The most common causes of hair damage are hair styling techniques that employ chemical lotions, like colouring, dyeing, bleaching, straightening and waving. These procedures alter the structure of the hair and weaken it.

Damage is also caused by heat applications, like styling wands, irons and tongs. Some amount of damage is also caused by excessive use of hair dryers, wire brushes and the habitual tying back of the hair tightly. All this can cause enough trauma to the hair, over a period of time. Other causes of hair damage are excessive exposure to the sun and the use of harsh shampoos. The cause of damage in individual cases is not difficult to establish. The first thing to do is to discontinue the procedure till health is restored to the hair.

The outermost layer, the cuticle, protects the hair and contributes to hair lustre. In damaged hair, the cuticle is stripped off in an uneven manner. The hair loses its shine, becoming dry, dull and brittle. Damaged hair is in a fragile condition and should be treated gently. Discontinue the use of brushes for some time. Use a wide toothed comb with smooth edges, especially for wet hair. To disentangle the hair, start at the ends and work upwards. Avoid pulling or stretching the hair.

In cases of excessive dryness, twice a week, heat coconut oil and apply on the hair. Apply on ends too. Dip a towel in hot water, squeeze out the water and wrap the hot towel around the head, like a turban. Keep it on for 5 minutes. Repeat the hot towel wrap 3 or 4 times. Avoid vigorous massage. Massage the scalp gently, using only the finger tips, actually moving the scalp in small circular movements. This stimulates blood circulation to the follicles. Keep oil on overnight and wash the hair next day, using mild herbal shampoo. Avoid very hot water.

To dry the hair, wrap the towel around the head and allow it to absorb excess water. Allow the hair to dry naturally. Regular conditioning is extremely important. Hair conditioners and hair serums soften the hair, improving its look and texture. They coat the hair and also help to protect it. Indeed, the hair is like a delicate fabric, so treat it that way.

Here are some home remedies to restore health to damaged hair : Mix one teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey with one egg. Massage the mixture lightly into the scalp. Wash hair after half an hour. Or, beat yogurt and egg together, to make a nourishing hair pack, which also adds body to the hair.
Hibiscus cold infusion: Allow the flowers and leaves to stand overnight in cold water, in a ratio of one to six. Next day squeeze the flowers and strain the water. Use the water to rinse the hair. Or add the water and the flowers to your henna paste for a total hair-food treatment.

Have a green tea rinse after shampoo. Make tea-water by adding hot water to green tea leaves, or using green tea bags. You should have 5 to 6 cups of tea-water. Cool, strain, add the juice of a lemon and use as a last rinse.

Mix Banana and Avocado pulp together and add one tablespoon olive oil. Apply the mixture as a hair pack. Wash off after an hour.

Fish oil is said to restore health to damaged hair. This is mainly because Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Make fish a part of your diet, or get Omega-3 fatty acids through supplements.

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