During the monsoon season, the much-awaited rain provides a refreshing escape from the intense summer heat. However, this season also brings with it a...
Beauty, an age-old concept that humanity has enjoyed for generations, is often shrouded in myth and misconception. These myths shape our perception of beauty...
In the world of beauty, the pursuit of radiance and vitality extends far beyond surface-level appearances. It delves into the intricate realm of scientific...
Over the past few years, the beauty industry has experienced a profound transformation, moving away from traditional gender norms toward a more inclusive and...
In today’s rapidly evolving beauty industry, the intersection of art, creativity, and technology has become more prominent than ever before. Artificial Intelligence has stepped...
As we celebrate Women’s Day, a celebration that transcends global boundaries, it’s a poignant time to delve deeper into the essence of self-love. In...
We never celebrated Valentine’s Week, but today it has become a cultural phenomenon, that the youth eagerly wait for. This day has gained significant...
From your kitchen to the nearest grocery store, you can find herbs and ingredients that make them affordable and approachable.
In earlier times, where were...
Why cultural beauty practices trumps trendy routines
Beauty World is constantly evolving. Amidst the frequently changing trends and fads, the concept of beauty is a...
As the beauty industry continuously evolves, 2024 promises to be a year of innovation and transformation. Empowering individuals to take beauty into their own...
Winter skincare
Seasonal changes influence the skin. Winter is the dry season and the skin loses moisture to the atmosphere. Therefore, as seasonal changes take...
Many of our religious rituals and festivals are based on fasting, like Navratri. Fasting during festivals is said to renew our spiritual energy, while...
Lately exotic fruits like Kiwi and Avocado have become popular ingredients in various recipes, from salads, dips anddrinks to desserts. What’s more, these fruits...