After two successful seasons, Netflix has come out with the third season of the science fiction horror series Stranger Things. Written and directed by the Duffer Brothers, the series...
Each year in Maharashtra, competing mandals form complex, acrobatic human pyramids as part of the Janmashtami festival celebrations. Participants hoist teammates on their shoulders,...
The French like action movies. From well-acted police procedurals like 36th Precinct to hyperactive testosterone cinema like parkour/sci-fi hybrid District B13, they've been carving...
Debut designer Sanya Jain launched a fine leather brand SVJ last Wednesday at 'The Dirty Martini', were she had displayed her collection of textured...
It's been 100 years since Dadasaheb Phalke created history by releasing India's first full-length feature film, Raja Harishchandra. To mark the occasion, the School...