Hillary Clinton’s hard head hit a shatterproof glass ceiling and Donald Trump became the US President Elect. The BBC repeatedly described this success as astonishing, extraordinary and surprising, illustrating how just out of touch left liberal institutions are, globally.
After his elegant speech that resonated with diversity andinclusiveness the BBC chose to portray thePresident Elect as a glitzy reality TV star and by innuendo shamed and blamed the rural communities and “the Rust Belt” for his election.The fact is these communities have had not investment for decades and in the very first Presidential Debate, Mr Trump offered to restore the crumbling infrastructure to these areas.
The BBC scraped the barrel to find Trump deniers, such as Mario Monti (former Italian President); they even painted Trump as a best friend of the Kremlin and spoke to random Kenyan citizens presumably hoping to find some “Trump is a racist” opinions. One commentator even went so far as to suggest that Trump did not share European values on climate change, global governance and trade liberalisation thus his success may signal the end of America as moral example and leader of world economy. Perhaps they did not hear the part of Trump’s victory speech when he said his America “was willing to have great relations with nations willing to get on with us”.
In UK George Osborne tried to win the EU Referendum with what has become known as “the politics of fear”, it did not work for him and it has not worked for the Democrats, despite bringing in the support of heavyweights Barack and Michelle, Beyoncé and Katy Perry et al. People do not trust aggregated government or institutional data anymore.What the BBC and the 92.8% of Washington DC,who voted for Clinton, do not get is that citizens respect a self-made man with no political experience, who is a breath of fresh air, who fills lost and forgotten people with hope and optimism. It is anyone’s guess if the Brexit-style/ Trump-style popularist uprising could repeat itself in general elections in France and Germany next year? As the newly Nobelled prize winner Bob Dylan once chanted “The time they are a changing”.