The much-awaited book, Sanskrit Non-Translatables: The Importance of Sanskritizing English was launched on 6 November by Swami Govind Dev Giri at a virtual book launch hosted by Infinity Foundation, Bhismaindics and Amaryllis Publishing. The book authored by Rajiv Malhotra and Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji is an audacious attempt at Sanskritizing the English language by introducing powerful Sanskrit words into English vocabulary without translation, thus enriching it.
Expressing the challenges, he faced in transmitting knowledge to western audience, Swami Govind Dev Giri said, “I have always felt a need to book like this. It is very difficult to explain words like “Dharma” or “Sanskar” in English.” This book will be useful not only for Indians but also foreigners who want to know India as it is, he added.
Mohan Bhagwat, Sarsanghchalak, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, quoting Marathi saint Tukaram Maharaj explained that it is not enough to have knowledge of the words, but one needs to understand their meaning and usage in ordinary life. Language is very instrumental for communication.
“This book will help us to understand real meaning of our words. Our minds which have been colonised will get disillusioned about our own selves. This book should be welcomed by all.” he said. Dr Vijay Bhatkar, Chancellor of Nalanda University who also launched the book, said this book has been a great eye-opener for him. He believes English will absorb these words as the language has already assimilated words like yoga and guru.
Commenting on the book, Madhukiswar, academician and researcher, said this book is another milestone in Rajiv Malhrotra’s decade long battle to help Indians reclaim their heritage.
Dr Subramanian Swamy argued that English no more a just a British language. It is an international language spoke in almost all parts of the world. He said, “It is a very revolutionary idea to Sanskritize English and enrich it.”
In a panel discussion followed by the launch, Babaji shared that he being an IIT engineer was amazed that he had never read about great Indian scientists like Panani and Patanjali. He explained that there is no Sanskriti without Sanskrit. He discussed how profound the Sanskrit language is.
Malhotra said that the idea of Sanskritsing English conspired more than 25 years ago. He had a chapter on the same in his first book, Breaking India. Tuhin Sinha, while moderating the discussion raised the issue of the influence of Bollywood on our language, to which Babaji concluded anything that has an influence can be useful in creating positive impact also.