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UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to visit Akshardham temple in Delhi

NewsUK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to visit Akshardham temple in Delhi

United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is in India for the G20 Summit, is scheduled to visit Delhi’s Akshardham temple on Sunday.

Expressing pride for his ‘Hindu’ roots, Rishi Sunak yesterday expressed his hope that he will find time to visit a temple here in India during his stay for the G20 Summit.
Sunak said that he has “enormous respect” for PM Modi and said that he is keen to support him in making the G20 an enormous success.

While talking to media, Sunak said, “I am a proud Hindu. That’s how I was raised, and that’s how I am. Hopefully, I can visit the mandir while I am here for the next couple of days. We just had Rakshabandhan, so from my sister and my cousin, I have all my Rakhis.”

“I didn’t have time to celebrate Janmashtami. But hopefully, as I said, I can make up for that if we visit a mandir this time,” he added.

He further said that faith is something very important, as it gives strength and resilience during stress.

Earlier today, PM Sunak held a bilateral meeting with his UK counterpart, Rishi Sunak, on the sidelines of the G20 Summit being held in the national capital under India’s presidency.

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