Charity begins in a perspex box. Fifty-three internationally acclaimed artists have donated an artwork trapped inside a perspex20cm3 cube, to benefit the search for a cure for the debilitating Parkinson’s disease, hence the title Cure3.
Every sufferer of this neurological condition manifests the symptoms slightly differently, the reduced levels of the chemical dopamine in the brain typically affect motor skills and emotional responses; at the moment 1 in 500 people are affected with Parkinson’s and have significant negative impact on their quality of life. Currently it can only be treated to alleviate symptoms and lessen the progression but it is still incurable.
The Artists were inspired by three key words “Slow- Stop-Reverse” that are the mantra of The Cure Parkinson’s Trust (CPT). A charity set up in 2005 by four people with Parkinson’s who shared the common belief that more needed to be done to find a cure for this neurodegenerative disease; CPT have madesignificant progress in both pre-clinical and clinical research, there is hope of a disease modifying treatment on the horizon.
The project has partnered with Bonhams Auctioneers, sponsors Gatwick Airport and the David Ross Foundation (DRF)to raise awareness and funds for CPT. David Ross is the entrepreneur founder and philanthropist of Carphone Warehouse; the DRF undertakes research, makes grants to individuals, charities, organisations and mankind. This catalogue of cubes brings together the creativity and generosity of a kaleidoscope of participants.The boxed space has allowed for multiple approaches, interpretations and mixed media, including Polly Morgan’s taxidermy repoll finch “Something like this”— Damien Hirst’s “Incinerate Me” boxed up his signature pharmaceutical debris of our time- Peter Blake has captured Snow White as an iconic giantess being admired by miniature Dutch children- Alison Jackson has filled her cube with a Donald Trump $ note, all the artist have lent their name and their imaginations to support this necessary research.Unusually this is not an auction but a fixed priced sale with prices ranging from £650 to £40,000 — artworks are available online from Monday 13th March at GMT 8 a.m.