Devotees who used to visit Sri Ramakrishna regularly would often be blessed with an extraordinary sight of Sri Ramakrishna going into Samadhi. Of course, they could not understand much about it or as to how it was triggered. Sri Ramakrishna himself would explain the phenomenon of transcendental spiritual experience using a beautiful analogy. A man approached a sweeper and told him of the death of a certain stranger. But, the sweeper went on with his task just remarking that it was too bad that the person died. The news did not seem to affect him deeply or drastically. Sri Ramakrishna would ask, what if the deceased person happened to be a close relative of the sweeper. The broom would have stopped moving and would have dropped from his hands. He would have become dumbstruck and speechless by the enormity of the incident. In the same way, an extraordinary and transcendental spiritual experience or Samadhi triggers a stunning silence in the experiencer. It is because of the immensity of the depth and dimension of the experience. It is also because of the experience of the infinite or the nature of consciousness or Brahman. It can be vaguely compared to the experience of suddenly coming upon a breathtaking view of nature without a moment’s notice. But, such experiences do not come easily. The incapacitation which comes over the spiritually illumined or the one blessed with Samadhi is the natural outcome of intense spiritual striving. Such an experience cannot be compared to any other experience gained through the senses. Such experiences transcend the universe of name and form. However, such experiences are not from anywhere outside, but from the depths of one’s own personality. They are the result of deep spiritual awakening and arise from the deepest sources of one’s own self. It is difficult to truly define or describe such an experience. Only the extraordinary wisdom exhibited by the experiencer gives a hint of the nature of Samadhi.