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Listen to God in humility

opinionListen to God in humility

Ken happily narrates the tough times he has gone through, granting navigating amidst tough times, be it related to personal life, job, family, church or society, was like passing through dark backstreets in search of calm within and lights; without in the street! Sometimes there just isn’t enough strength left to get the job done; we simply cannot just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, so and then? God and Ken had a very interesting discussion; he opened the flood gates of the inner storms talking with God. Ken knew God wouldn’t mind heart-to-heart talk. The answer came to do what the disciples did when a desperate group of fishermen miserably failed to catch fish even though they worked hard—the very first step was to listen to Jesus in humility (Luke 5:1-11). Jesus asked Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” After initial questioning, he did obey Jesus and was surprised at the catch and in all humility, he fell at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” Humility is not weakness. True humility is to see ourselves as we are, separated from the life of God and helpless without God. “God leads the humble in what is right and teaches the humble his way.” Psalm 25:9. Biblical humility is grounded in God’s nature. We should rejoice God created both males and females in His image and like (Gen.1:27). And we separated from God’s life, and God incarnated in the person of Jesus of Nazareth came searching for us because God loves us, and his love is holy. The coupled usage of “meek” and “humble in heart” in Matthew 11:29 emphasizes Christ’s humility before humankind, whom He came to serve, and His fulfilling the mission Father entrusted Him. Humility and meekness are interrelated as both are righteous traits for doing the will of God. And Jesus is indeed Lord of all. Let’s invite Jesus into the boat of our life as a friend. It takes humility to ask Jesus to be the Lord of our life.

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