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Mutuality of love and respect

opinionMutuality of love and respect

Sonia and Sam, like all young lovers, with a dream to establish an ideal home, and be ‘salt and light’ for others to imitate, were married in a beautiful wedding service. The wedding was long remembered for not a vulgar display of wealth and riches but an abundance of flowers that spoke of God’s beautiful creation. The service was beautifully planned, and the worship made God’s presence a reality. The memory of the wedding ceremony was etched in all who attended.
Pastor Raj, who presided over the marriage ceremony, gave a message that few would forget. He said, “you have heard that the husband must love his wife, and the wife must respect her husband. But I say that both husband and wife should love and respect one another. You might question why I say this? Please read 1 Peter 3:7, “husbands treat your wives with respect.” Many pastors who were present were stunned, for they preached only half-truths.
Pastor Raj explained that the practice of mutuality is a problem for many men, although the Bible teaches, “husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Eph. 5:25). The Bible also teaches, “the two shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Kindly explain does one mean equality or hierarchy? Both should choose to love intentionally, despite small irks. Love listens. When our spouse speaks, our defences go up immediately. Our response should be the question Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus, “What can I do for you.” Our focus shifts from ourselves to our spouses. This demonstrates the sacrificial love that Christ talks about!
Pastor Raj also reiterated the mutuality in prayer life, to spend time together praying for one another, and to be part of a supportive fellowship of the family of God. The grace of God is available to all of us to establish Christian homes and be the ‘salt and light’ of the world.

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