New Delhi: On Thursday, December 5, 2024, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MPs launched a sharp attack on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, labeling him a “traitor of the highest order.” The BJP accused Gandhi of having links with the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). This accusation triggered an uproar from Congress MPs, leading to the adjournment of the Lok Sabha.

BJP MP Sambit Patra alleged that Rahul Gandhi is part of a “dangerous triangle” involving billionaire George Soros and the OCCRP, aimed at destabilizing India. Speaking to the media, Patra stated, “We will expose this dangerous triangle working against India. On one side is George Soros from America, along with certain American agencies; the second side is the OCCRP, a major news portal; and the third, most crucial, side is Rahul Gandhi. He is a ‘traitor of the highest order.’ I say this without hesitation.” Patra accused Gandhi of acting on OCCRP’s instructions.

“OCCRP is a global media organization with a vast readership. It is heavily funded by the Open Society Foundation, owned by George Soros. These agencies operate to serve the interests of their funders. Rahul Gandhi, by following OCCRP’s directives, has betrayed the nation,” Patra claimed. He further alleged that both Gandhi and Soros share a common objective of destabilizing India. “If OCCRP is hurt, Rahul cries; if Rahul cries, OCCRP feels pain. They are like two entities with one soul. Soros harbors ill intentions for India, and so does Rahul Gandhi. Salil Shetty, Vice President of Soros’ Open Society Foundation, even joined Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra,” Patra added.

Similarly, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey accused the Gandhi family of colluding with OCCRP and Soros. He claimed that Rahul Gandhi frequently shares OCCRP reports on social media. According to Dubey, Soros funds OCCRP, and this money is allegedly used to disrupt parliamentary proceedings. Dubey cited references from Sanjaya Baru’s book The Accidental Prime Minister, which mentions a meeting between former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and George Soros, questioning whether such claims are false.

This accusation triggered an uproar from Congress MPs, leading to the adjournment of the Lok Sabha until 2 P.M. After which as tensions escalated, Congress MPs staged a protest on the steps of the Makar Dwar in Parliament, raising the Adani issue. When the Lok Sabha reconvened at 2 PM, Dubey demanded an apology, creating further commotion, which led to another adjournment until 3 PM. During the 3 PM session, as Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw was set to respond to the Railway Amendment Bill 2024, opposition MPs again disrupted proceedings, forcing an adjournment until 11 AM on December 6.

With input Manohar Keshari Senior correspondent India News