A few hours before the farmers are set to launch their Delhi march, the Haryana government has suspended internet services in parts of Ambala district. As per information available, internet will remain suspended for the next three days. Heavy police deployment has been made near Shambhu border as the Haryana government is unlikely to allow farmers to enter Haryana. The farmer leaders have announced that the first Jjatha’ (group) of 101 farmers will embark on a foot march to Delhi at 1 pm from their protest site at the Shambhu border on the Punjab and Haryana border.

The Ambala district administration has already issued an order under Section 163 of the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS), restricting any unlawful assembly of five or more persons in the district. As per the prohibitory ordered issued by the Ambala deputy commissioner, any procession on foot, vehicles, or other modes will not be allowed in the district.

Also, the Ambala authorities have ordered the closure of all government and private schools in the district.
Farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher said, “The central and state governments told the Supreme Court that they have a problem with farmers moving towards Delhi on tractors and trailers. But a group of 101 farmers will move towards Delhi peacefully. We have no intention of breaking the barricades… We hope that the government will allow us to move towards Delhi and protest peacefully.”

He said that the doors for talks are open from the farmers’ side and if the government wants to talk, the officials should bring the letter of the central government or the CM office of Haryana or Punjab as a proposal to resume talks.

Farmers have been camping at Shambhu and Khanauri border points for nearly 10 months, reiterating their demands including guaranteed MSP. According to the farmer leaders, a group of farmers will proceed towards Delhi, while another to continue with its hunger strike at Khanauri border.

Pandher said, “We have not made any arrangements for confrontation with the security forces. We are unarmed. Also today is the martyrdom day of Guru Tegh Bahadur, we want to go Delhi to raise our demands with the government peacefully.