Confluence of paths to the Divine converge in Kumbh

In 2022, Prime Minister Modi said that...

HINDUISM: Ekantam is solitary bliss

Someone asked Gurudev, Swami Chinmayanandaji, as to...

Late Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

ISLAM: On spirituality

I was once asked to explain the concept of spirituality in Islam and what, from the Islamic viewpoint, the method was of attaining spirituality....

ISLAM: Tazkiya and remembering death

For the process of tazkiya to go forward, the remembrance of death acts as a very powerful spur. The remembrance of death produces a...

ISLAM: Experience fruits of patience

A western commentator, William Patron, has observed: “One of the fruits of Islam has been that stubborn durable patience which comes out of the...

ISLAM: Tazkiya and prayer

words of the feeling which is produced after a helpless person discovers Almighty God. The prayers of the Prophet are also an expression of...

ISLAM: Tazkiya and modesty

No crops can grow on barren land. Requiring favourable soil for their growth, they must grow on fertile land. So also does tazkiya require...

ISLAM: The Godly Personality

According to a hadith “Be alert through the wisdom of the believer, because a believer sees by the light of God.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith...

ISLAM: God-realization A divine gift

Man is in need of countless things, but he cannot create a single one of them. All these things are unilateral gifts from God...

ISLAM: God-realization A creative subject

There is no set course for attaining realization of God. It is not that one who begs for it will automatically achieve realization. Such...

ISLAM: Tazkiya; Means of reaching God

Man is the creation and God is his Creator. As such, it is human nature that he should come close to God to the...

ISLAM: Tazkiya and knowledge

According to one point of view regarding the method of tazkiya, the company of a Sufi who has attained the state of realization is...

ISLAM: Tazkiya; Intellectual development

Tazkiya literally means purification. In the extended sense it means growth. In this respect, tazkiya means intellectual development. The mind is not something stagnant, it...

ISLAM: Intellectual awareness needed

One method of attaining tazkiya is to formulate certain principles in an abstract way, put them in writing and ask others to read them....

ISLAM: The concept of a better tomorrow

The concept of a better tomorrow is ingrained in human nature. Every day man witnesses the fact that day follows night. And will always...

ISLAM: Good in every situation

Regarding the maintenance of relationships between a husband and wife, the Quran says, “Live with them in accordance with what is fair and kind;...

ISLAM: Learning lessons from mundane occurrences

One quality of the godly person described in the Quran is the willingness to learn lessons (15:75). Learning lessons means recognizing some internal qualities...

ISLAM: Scientific discoveries, spiritual food

Mentioning the “Words of God” (31:27) the Quran tells us that these words of God are so numerous that their enumeration would never cease....

ISLAM: Universe, a source of God-realisation

The Quran describes the power of God, in these words: “When He decrees a thing, He need only say, ‘Be!’ and it is.” (36:82) According to...

ISLAM: God realization: A personal discovery

The Quran consists of more than six thousand verses, the longest of which is verse 282 in chapter 2. This verse concerns debt, and...

ISLAM: Intellectual Development

Intellectual development is undoubtedly the most important requirement of a human being. Through it, a man becomes perfect. Through it, a man succeeds in...

ISLAM: Facing the court

Mr Manohar J. Pherwani, a government officer, rose in service to become Chairman of the Unit Trust of India and of the National Housing...

ISLAM: The Purpose of Human Life

This verse of the Quran, “I created the jinn and mankind only so that they might worship Me” (51:56) has been explained by Abdullah...

ISLAM: The discovery of helplessness

What is maarifah or realization of God? It is, in fact, a discovery of one’s helplessness in relation to God. We must learn that...

ISLAM: The price of finding God

A high level of realization of God is actually the greatest asset a person can have. It is, in fact, high realization of faith...

ISLAM: Remembering God often

I once penned an article entitled ‘Realization—The Purpose of Humanity’. Almost immediately after it appeared in print, (Al-Risala, September 2010) a reader called to...

ISLAM: We are in God’s Country

An American lady went on a tour of Russia. There, she saw pictures of the Chairman of the Communist party hanging everywhere she went....

ISLAM: Paradise, an ideal world

The present universe has two parts to it, the human and the non-human. On reflection we realize that the non-human world is being externally...

ISLAM: Journey of discovering God

A person proceeds on the journey of truth very naturally. Every individual can begin his journey with his own self. For instance, once an...

ISLAM: Our real habitat

There is a verse in the Quran which states: “We created pairs of all things so that you might reflect.” (51:49) This verse of the...

ISLAM: Paradise: Complement to our world

We learn from the Quran that there is the reward of Paradise in the Hereafter for those who lead a life of faith. There...

The spirit of sacrifice in Islam

On the occasion of Hajj and Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world perform the ritual sacrifice of an animal in the name of God....

ISLAM: God’s special blessings

God created men and women with special blessings. These blessings are basically of two kinds. One of these, pertaining to His creation, is a...

ISLAM: Positive thinking for God’s discovery

Perhaps, the greatest tragedy of human history is man’s failure to achieve a high level of God-realization, or deeper discovery of God. The way...

ISLAM: Elevated level of worship

There is a verse in the Quran: “He has subjected whatever is in heaven and on the earth to you; it is all from...

ISLAM: Age of higher discovery of God

Prophet’s Companion Abu Dhar Ghifari once narrated: “Even when a bird would flutter its wings in the air, the Prophet of Islam would remind...

ISLAM: Scientific exegesis of the Quran

There are certain people who think that all the subjects of science are discoverable in the Quran and that with reference to the relevant...

ISLAM: Real worship

According to the Quran, worship of God controls one’s character. In chapter al-Ankabut (The Spider), the Quran says: Surely prayer restrains one from indecency and...

ISLAM: Miraculous nine days

According to researchers at University of California, Berkeley, a rapid succession of coronal mass ejections—the most intense eruptions on the sun sent a pulse...

ISLAM: Miracle of positive response

On May 22, 2013 a British soldier was beheaded by two Muslims in Woolwich, southeast London. In the aftermath of this incident there were...

ISLAM: God Almighty is with us

The Prophet of Islam started his mission in 610 AD in Makkah. After thirteen years he was forced to migrate from Makkah and settle...

Islam: In the nick of time

A medical college professor, putting a student through an oral examination, asked him, “How many of these pills would you give to a man...

Islam: Fasting and self-purification

Fasting is a kind of reminder to a sincere person. It reminds us that we are in the world of God, a world which...

ISLAM: Training in self-restraint

Fasting, a form of divine worship is observed for one month every year. During this period of fasting, man abstains from food and water...

ISLAM Ramadan and Self-Purification

Ramadan, the month of fasting and self-purification, is a blessed spiritual period for believers, for it is during this month that they do their...

ISLAM: International custom

During the final days of the Prophet Muhammad, two Arabs, Musaylema ibn Hubayb of Yamama and Aswad ibn Kaab Ansi of Sana’a claimed Prophethood....

Islam: Realism

If you happen to be in an open field when it starts to rain, you hasten to find shelter. This is not cowardice, this...

ISLAM: Just balance

Consider these verses of the Quran: “The Merciful who taught the Quran—He created man and He taught him speech. The sun and the moon...

Islam: Dream and success

Mr. Ram Ratan Kapila runs a refrigerator and air-conditioner business by the name of Kapsons, its offices being located in Asaf Ali Road in...

ISLAM: A better human being

According to Abu Hurayra the Prophet Muhammad made this observation before a gathering: ‘Should I not tell you who among you is good and...

ISLAM: The way of moderation

According to a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad observed: The moderate action is the best of all actions. Hazrat Ali advised the people: ‘Adopt the...

Losing one’s home

On the 28th of March 1995, Mrs. Indu Vahi committed suicide by jumping from the 8th floor of Asia House, a building situated on...

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