Justice and jungle raj in the age of AI

No sane person can object to Trump’s...

Stop victimising the victim

When the victim becomes the victim again:...

India’s linguistic dilemma: Time to move beyond polarized debates

The debate should not revolve around choosing...

C Rajasekhar

Jagdish Devda’s fine balancing act

Madhya Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister(FM), Jagdish Devda has just presented the state’s budget for the year 2024-25. Has he done a good...

Waking up to Yogi Shailendra Sharma

Katia Mossin’s “Awakener” is the ‘authorised biography of a Yogi’ called Shailendra Sharma. Prima facie, ( either on the cover page and in pictures...

Sarang strives for paradigm shift in MP medical education

Madhya Pradesh would become the first state in India to teach MBBS in Hindi in the entire country.   Union Home Minister Amit Shah is expected...

FM pushes CM Chouhan’s ‘Atmanirbhar MP’ agenda

Defining the basic theme of his first budget as building an ‘Atmanirbhar’ or ‘self-reliant’ Madhya Pradesh, Finance Minister (FM) Jagdish Devda has started working...

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