India-US relations in Trump 2.0 will reach a higher plane

Amidst the prevailing anxiety surrounding President Trump...

The new water bomb

Pune: On 25 December—barely a month after...

Subramanium Swamy

India needs to parry China after Galwan

New Delhi: India’s declining global standing, according to the latest findings of the Lowy Institute, Australia’s most respected think tank, measured by its latest...

Consequences of Covid-19 for Indian economy

New Delhi: As reported in a daily newspaper last week, at an SBI-organised conference of banks, the current Governor of the Reserve Bank of...

How India can overtake China in economic growth

New Delhi: At least for more than 750 years the Indian economy was larger and growing faster than China’s economy; and it was ahead...

Economy needs big boost in liquidity to revive

New Delhi: Since March 2020, the nation has been reeling under a double blow, such as it has never before experienced since 1947. It...

Only direct cash transfers can revive economy

New Delhi: The Indian nation today is reeling under a double whammy—a twin crisis, as never before experienced after 1947. On the one hand,...

Truth, transparency must determine India-China relations

New Delhi: The whole world in general and the Indian people in particular, will insist that the Indian Government take a clear stand on what,...

Rs 8 trillion stimulus by PM Modi can fully revive economy

Financial resources have to be made more liberally available than hitherto   New Delhi: Today the lockdown continues in a modified form. The question is: what from...

Action from PM Modi essential for economic boost

The economic stagnation has pre-coronavirus roots, hence lifting the lockdown will not be enough to get the economy back on track.   New Delhi: In his...

Economy needs a more decentralised lockdown 

The Indian economy is headed for trouble  partly because of a situation not of our making—the coronavirus pandemic—and partly because of our last six...

India declares war on an invisible enemy: Covid-19

New Delhi: India has been sliding into an economic crisis since 2015 . This was due to economic policies that have been followed since...

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