Experts discuss India’s nuclear leap

Senior Director for National Security at the...

PM Tony Abbott calls for stronger TIES with India

He said Trump is disrupting the status...

Global leaders discuss India’s rising influence

The two-day global forum was held at...


Bloomsbury’s decision erodes freedom of speech

What makes Bloomsbury’s decision inexcusably egregious is the fact that it had vetted the manuscript.   The cringe worthy U-turn by Bloomsbury India with regard to...

Expansionist China a dangerous cocktail of past and present

Hidden behind China’s reassuring façade of modern aspirations in tune with the changing world is a ruthless medieval mindset that subscribes to notions of...

USCIRF, India is not a Country of Particular Concern

USCIRF’s reports are a compendium of self-serving interpretations, questionable factuality and reckless hyperbole.     The harsh and uncalled for indictment of India as a CPC or...

Constructive criticism please, we are in a crisis

Government was in a crisis mode with a rapidly deteriorating tragedy. Dithering could prove catastrophic.   Even during these unprecedented times when the entire mankind is...

Constructive criticism please, we are in a crisis

Government was in a crisis mode with a rapidly deteriorating tragedy. Dithering could prove catastrophic.   Even during these unprecedented times when the entire mankind is...

Constructive criticism please, we are in a crisis

Government was in a crisis mode with a rapidly deteriorating tragedy. Dithering could prove catastrophic.   Even during these unprecedented times when the entire mankind is...

There may be no Hindus left in Bangladesh in 30 years

In 2001, following the electoral victory of BNP led by Khaleda Zia, her supporters unleashed a systematic campaign of violence against Hindus for about...

There may be no Hindus left in Bangladesh in 30 years

In 2001, following the electoral victory of BNP led by Khaleda Zia, her supporters unleashed a systematic campaign of violence against Hindus for about...

There may be no Hindus left in Bangladesh in 30 years

In 2001, following the electoral victory of BNP led by Khaleda Zia, her supporters unleashed a systematic campaign of violence against Hindus for about...

Why we need to remember 19 January 1990

19 January 1990 is an infamous day in the history of Kashmir. It was the day that the Kashmiri Hindu community was hounded out...

Why we need to remember 19 January 1990

19 January 1990 is an infamous day in the history of Kashmir. It was the day that the Kashmiri Hindu community was hounded out...

Why we need to remember 19 January 1990

19 January 1990 is an infamous day in the history of Kashmir. It was the day that the Kashmiri Hindu community was hounded out...

The Hindus of Pakistan: Nobody’s children

Their lives from birth to death is an ordeal of indignity, humiliation, insecurity bereft of basic human rights.   PROLOGUE The frightened father with his wife...

The Hindus of Pakistan: Nobody’s children

Their lives from birth to death is an ordeal of indignity, humiliation, insecurity bereft of basic human rights.   PROLOGUE The frightened father with his wife...

The Hindus of Pakistan: Nobody’s children

Their lives from birth to death is an ordeal of indignity, humiliation, insecurity bereft of basic human rights.   PROLOGUE The frightened father with his wife...

Ugly face of anarchy: Violent protest unacceptable in democracy

It is a frontal attack on democracy, an audacious attempt to undermine the rule of law and an open attempt to garner illegitimate advantage...

Ugly face of anarchy: Violent protest unacceptable in democracy

It is a frontal attack on democracy, an audacious attempt to undermine the rule of law and an open attempt to garner illegitimate advantage...

Ugly face of anarchy: Violent protest unacceptable in democracy

It is a frontal attack on democracy, an audacious attempt to undermine the rule of law and an open attempt to garner illegitimate advantage...

Maharashtra political outcome negates people’s mandate

It was an action clearly fuelled by a naked greed for power and a sense of entitlement amongst the SS leadership that views Maharashtra...

Maharashtra political outcome negates people’s mandate

It was an action clearly fuelled by a naked greed for power and a sense of entitlement amongst the SS leadership that views Maharashtra...

Maharashtra political outcome negates people’s mandate

It was an action clearly fuelled by a naked greed for power and a sense of entitlement amongst the SS leadership that views Maharashtra...

Kashmiris must snatch own destiny from separatists, terrorists

The swearing in of Girish Chandra Murmu on 31 October 2019 as the Lieutenant Governor of the new Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir...

Kashmiris must snatch own destiny from separatists, terrorists

The swearing in of Girish Chandra Murmu on 31 October 2019 as the Lieutenant Governor of the new Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir...

Kashmiris must snatch own destiny from separatists, terrorists

The swearing in of Girish Chandra Murmu on 31 October 2019 as the Lieutenant Governor of the new Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir...

Economists must remain economists

Raghuram Govind Rajan is a doyen of economy with a string of professional successes to his name. He is the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished...

Economists must remain economists

Raghuram Govind Rajan is a doyen of economy with a string of professional successes to his name. He is the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished...

Economists must remain economists

Raghuram Govind Rajan is a doyen of economy with a string of professional successes to his name. He is the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished...

An expanded NRC is a necessity

Illegal immigration is not an illusion of right-wing fanatics, but an undeniable reality with serious ramifications for our internal stability and national security.   A nation...

An expanded NRC is a necessity

Illegal immigration is not an illusion of right-wing fanatics, but an undeniable reality with serious ramifications for our internal stability and national security.   A nation...

An expanded NRC is a necessity

Illegal immigration is not an illusion of right-wing fanatics, but an undeniable reality with serious ramifications for our internal stability and national security.   A nation...

Abrogation of Article 370 was long overdue

It became the seed of a toxic separatism that encouraged violence both on the streets of Kashmir and the tacit teaming up with Pakistan...

Too much hypocrisy in letter from 49 ‘intellectuals’

The current letter, like the umpteen others in the past, is a campaign of vicious calumny motivated by ideological fixation rather than public altruism.     New...

US report on religious freedom in India questionable

In diplomatic parley, it was a definite rap on the knuckles. The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in his “India Policy Speech” at...

US report on religious freedom in India questionable

In diplomatic parley, it was a definite rap on the knuckles. The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in his “India Policy Speech” at...

US report on religious freedom in India questionable

In diplomatic parley, it was a definite rap on the knuckles. The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in his “India Policy Speech” at...

Kashmir is India’s faultline

To accept Kashmiriyat as a basis for special treatment would be to devalue other regional identities.   Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of the Mahatma, writing in...

Kashmir is India’s faultline

To accept Kashmiriyat as a basis for special treatment would be to devalue other regional identities.   Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of the Mahatma, writing in...

Kashmir is India’s faultline

To accept Kashmiriyat as a basis for special treatment would be to devalue other regional identities.   Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of the Mahatma, writing in...

Could we express ourselves freely without reprisal?

This is the last of a three part-article on the performance of the Narendra Modi government.   The clichéd and explosive cry that freedom of speech...

How safe are we today compared to five years ago?

This is the second of a three part-article on the performance of the Narendra Modi government.   Safety of its citizens is an indispensable facet of...

How does the price of 1 kg of onions in 2019 compare to 2014?

This is the first of a three-part article on the Narendra Modi government’s performance. The first article is on the prices of essential commodities,...

Time to show some solidarity with the nation

Pakistan’s agenda was being faithfully carried out by our own Opposition parties; with countrymen like these who needs enemies?   In the charged atmosphere of escalating...

Time to show some solidarity with the nation

Pakistan’s agenda was being faithfully carried out by our own Opposition parties; with countrymen like these who needs enemies?   In the charged atmosphere of escalating...

Time to show some solidarity with the nation

Pakistan’s agenda was being faithfully carried out by our own Opposition parties; with countrymen like these who needs enemies?   In the charged atmosphere of escalating...

Balakot is the beginning of the end of terror and separatism

The “non-military pre-emptive action” carried out by IAF Mirage-2000 jets armed with laser-guided 1,000-pound bombs in the early hours of 26 February that hit...

Balakot is the beginning of the end of terror and separatism

The “non-military pre-emptive action” carried out by IAF Mirage-2000 jets armed with laser-guided 1,000-pound bombs in the early hours of 26 February that hit...

Balakot is the beginning of the end of terror and separatism

The “non-military pre-emptive action” carried out by IAF Mirage-2000 jets armed with laser-guided 1,000-pound bombs in the early hours of 26 February that hit...

Citizenship Amendment Bill was long overdue

The Bill is morally valid, historically warranted and Constitutionally robust: an act that emboldens the ‘idea of India’ as an ethical and compassionate nation.   The...

Citizenship Amendment Bill was long overdue

The Bill is morally valid, historically warranted and Constitutionally robust: an act that emboldens the ‘idea of India’ as an ethical and compassionate nation.   The...

Citizenship Amendment Bill was long overdue

The Bill is morally valid, historically warranted and Constitutionally robust: an act that emboldens the ‘idea of India’ as an ethical and compassionate nation.   The...

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