The much publicised Anushka Sharma-Virat Kohli wedding has a Lucknow connection. It was a Lucknow girl, Devika Narain, who planned the high-profile wedding in Tuscany in Italy while her husband Joseph Radhik who played the official photographer.

Pradeep Narain, father of Devika Narain said,“My daughter had kept the assignment a secret and even we did not know about it. It was late on Monday night that my son-in-law Joseph called us and asked us to congratulate Devika for handling the assignment. It was then that we learnt about this”.

After calling up her father, the couple tweeted their photographs from the wedding.

“Devika and Joseph had visited Italy about three to four times in the past six months but we did not have an idea that it was for this assignment. It was only after the wedding pictures were released that we got to know of it”, said the father.

Talking about his daughter, Mr Narain said that Devika was born in Lucknow and schooled at the Loreto Convent here. She later went to Lady Shri Ram College in Delhi.

“At one point, she wanted to become a journalist but after her graduation, she joined a leading wedding planner firm. Finally she launched her own venture and is now working on high profile weddings.  She has planned the weddings of Dinesh Kartik and Robin Utthappa as well”, he disclosed.

On her Instagram account, Devika wrote, “Some days, the whole world conspires to make things right. Thank you Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, it has been an absolute honor and privilege to be a part of your journey”.

Devika’s husband Joseph Radhik, an award-winning photographer, also wrote, “Congratulations Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma. It was an honor to be a guest at your wedding and privilege to photograph it. Thank You. The past week has been one where we have been mouth-shut and we can finally talk about it now”.