The Aam Admi Party is scheduled to hold its National Council meeting on Monday in Delhi. The Council, which is the highest policy and decision making body of the party, is meeting to discuss the recent political developments in the country and the party’s future strategy.
The Council, which consists of about 500 members from across the country, will sit down on Monday to introspect the party’s future course of action keeping in mind the current political situation in the country. If sources are to be believed, the party could deliberate on the situation in Punjab and chalk out its strategy for the Assembly elections due in 2017. It could also discuss the award wapsi movement. However, the AAP officially maintains that “it is a routine calendar meeting of the National Council, which is scheduled twice every year”. “We will discuss the current political scenario and brainstorm about it,” a spokesperson from the AAP told The Sunday Guardian.
The NC which met early this year in March saw the ouster of two senior leaders Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan from the party. The AAP leadership received flak for that decision from several quarters within and outside the party. Some members had also claimed that the party was being run by the whims and fancies of “one man”. However the party has rubbished all such allegations against it and claims to espouse the principles of transparency and accountability.
The National Council meeting is being held along with the ongoing winter session of the Delhi Legislative Assembly, which began on Wednesday. The session will last till Saturday, 28 November. The much talked about “Swaraj bill” or the Jan Lokpal Bill recently got cleared by the state Cabinet. They are likely to be tabled in the Assembly anytime. The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, however, plans to stall the passage of this bill by knocking the Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung’s door. Other important bills that are likely to be tabled are the Citizen’s Charter Amendment Bill and the amendment to the CrPc. The Delhi School Education (Amendment) Bill has already been tabled.